Updating from 13.0-RELEASE to 13.3-RELEASE refuses to use new kernel


I am slowing updating a FreeBSD-10 laptop to the latest FreeBSD-13.3 version. However, when I try to upgrade, the kernel is seemingly “stuck” with 13.0-RELEASE-p13, while the user land is successfully upgraded to 13.3.

First things first:
freebsd-version -kru produces:

When running freebsd-update upgrade -r 13.3-RELEASE, it identifies kernel/generic src/src world/base and world/lib32.
It then fetches the metadata for 13.3-RELEASE, and I have to make some modifications to /etc/passwd, group, etc.

A few other changes are confirmed as reasonable between 13.0-RELEASE and 13.3-RELEASE.

“No changes have been downloaded, however, because the files have been modified locally” for /.cshrc and /var/db/etcupdate/log.

Some files will be removed as part of upgrading to 13.3-RELEASE-p2, like /usr/include/c++/v1/tr.

Some will be added to /var/db/etcupdate/current/etc/rc.d/.

Finally, some will be updated, with many in /boot/, including /boot/kernel/kernel, some .ko files, /boot/loader, etc. Lots more but I won’t list them: they look like a normal upgrade.

Now, I run freebsd-update install and get the standard “Kernel updates have been installed. Reboot and run freebsd-update install” again.

I’m greeted with a log of “.ko: depends on kernel - not available or version mismatch”. freebsd-version -kru now prints:

Running freebsd-update install again, all is fine. Finally, I reboot and run freebsd-version -kru:

Using freebsd-update install states no updates and available, and if I fetch and then install again, it will just reinstall 13.0-release-p13 for the user space and installed kernel.

Running strings /boot/kernel/kernel | grep 13.3 indicates the file is 13.3-RELEASE-p1.

Using nextboot -k kernel doesn’t boot into the 13.3 kernel either.

So my question is finally: how can I figure out why the system is booting into the old kernel?

Apologies for a bit of shorthand, I’m writing this on a phone. Thanks in advance!
You don’t mention what drives you’ve got in your system and if UFS or ZFS.

I‘ve got a system (UFS) that boots from a geli-encrypted drive (I cannot remember all the details) but it means that when I run freebsd-update it updates where it thinks the kernel lives, but that’s not actually the booted kernel. So after each kernel update I have to copy the new binaries to the appropriate place and reboot again.

If just a laptop setup in your case then probably nothing exotic going on.

Think there’s a sysctl that tells you the location of the booted kernel.