Solved Update from source: etcupdate -B fails


I've just compiled world & kernel from the latest stable/13 branch. I've done this several times over the last two months and didn't run into any issues following the procedure outlined by the handbook.

This time however, running etcupdate -B fails:
Conflicts remain from previous update. aborting.

What does one do in this case? There's no other information printed.
i would not remove them, look for conflicts ( there is menu in etcupdate ), inspect them and fix conflicts. They are very similar to git conflicts. It is that your configs changed by you, and update gives changes to them.
I don't know if it helps with here's the code:
# Perform an actual merge.  The new tree can either already exist (if
# rerunning a merge), be extracted from a tarball, or generated from a
# source tree.
    local dir

    if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then

    log "update command: rerun=$rerun tarball=$tarball"

    if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "Must be root to update a tree."
        exit 1

    # Enforce a sane umask
    umask 022

    # XXX: Should existing conflicts be ignored and removed during
    # a rerun?

    # Trim the conflicts tree.  Whine if there is anything left.
    if [ -e $CONFLICTS ]; then
        find -d $CONFLICTS -type d -empty -delete >&3 2>&1
        rmdir $CONFLICTS >&3 2>&1
    if [ -d $CONFLICTS ]; then
        echo "Conflicts remain from previous update, aborting."
        exit 1

Did you run in this order :
1. etcupdate -p
2. make installworld
3. etcupdate -B

Yes …

… re: <> and later posts, I encounter this type of thing:
  1. etcupdate -p
  2. a conflict is identified
  3. etcupdate resolve
  4. I positively resolve the conflict
  5. make installworld
  6. etcupdate -B
  7. the same conflict is identified.
The step seven observation feels quite insane. As if installing world undoes the resolution that preceded installation.

  • I created, activated then booted a new boot environment at an appropriate stage
  • ultimately, it's a disposable installation of FreeBSD, in a virtual machine.
As if installing world undoes the resolution that preceded installation.

Whatever was wrong, I haven't encountered the problem in recent days.

I'm happy to be free from the problem, touch wood, but I'll not mark this topic as Solved – just in case someone else finds the same type of problem, and wants help.
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Nope - I had this problem once and only exactly once. I perceive it as most likely that I accidentally didn't adhere to the correct procedure.