Understanding The FreeBSD Foundation and the FreeBSD Core Team

Governance and direction​

… FreeBSD is governed by a non-profit foundation …

Not quite, and (I think) it's important for everyone to have a shared understanding.



Closer to governance:

FreeBSD Core team​


The FreeBSD Core Team constitutes the project’s "Board of Directors", responsible for deciding the project’s overall goals and direction as well as managing specific areas of the FreeBSD project landscape. The Core Team is elected by the active developers in the project.

Recommended reading – very insightful:

Core Team Charter: Draft

See <https://www.freebsd.org/status/report-2023-01-2023-03/#_freebsd_core_team>

Other Core-related pages

Recommended reading – very insightful:

Agreed about this history in particular. Warner nails the old through to modern core team concensus, without the wishful thinking or sugar coating evident in more "promotional" advocacy pieces (IMO,OC)

In Fidonet days, '90s, before internet access for most people, the chant was "Rough concensus and running code" (qv), which was clearly the milieu from which modern FreeBSD arose, so well described as ongoing process in that post.

Thanks smithi, I had not previously noticed the list of editors. Only that (foot of the page) a current member was the most recent editor.

Ping bsdimp since his name has been mentioned.

In the first and current editions:

❝… Finally, email sucks. …❞

Yes and no.

A former member contacted me, via email, a few months ago. The reach-out was very welcome, very timely.