Unable to update repository FreeBSD

I am having problems with pkg:

% pkg update
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
pkg: An error occured while fetching package
pkg: An error occured while fetching package
repository FreeBSD has no meta file, using default settings
pkg: An error occured while fetching package
pkg: An error occured while fetching package
Unable to update repository FreeBSD
Error updating repositories!

Well, I did not upgrade, I had something else to do:

% uname -a
FreeBSD fbsd.local 12.3-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE-p3 GENERIC  amd64

Any hint?
As far as I know FreeBSD-12.3 is no more supported. This means that packages repository for this release is out of service, too.
The question: how to upgrade under this conditions.
Upgrade the base OS first. Bring it up to a supported version.

You've been here long enough to understand how this works:
It looks like it is possible to upgrade an unsupported release by just using freebsd-update
Make backups before just in case, and look at that thread also:

Good luck ;)
On the link from VladiBG it shows 12.3 was EOL 7Dec2021, 12.4 was EOL 5Dec2022 and it's now 10May2024 so it's been gone for about 1.5 years.
Just for the sake of this question and also because many times I had trouble to find out what was the EOL of each release, well it turns out the link is just on the same page mentioned by VladiBG and rightly called "Unsupported Releases"
12.2 -> EOL -> 31 March 2022
12.3 -> EOL -> 31 March 2023
12.4 -> EOL -> 31 Dec 2023
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I did

freebsd-update -r 13.3-RELEASE

It took a lot of time. Then I did

freebsd-update install

and happened ... nothing! The answer was

No updates are available to install.
run 'freebsd update fetch' first.

One of the reasons I do not upgrade at time is the time that gets upgrading.
That was the command I gave and took a lot of time. Just typed incomplete in the forum.
No copy and paste from console to X11.

Or do you think a non existent, incomplete command also takes a lot of time? Do you think that?!
Just fetch again the updates and try again.
It takes hours and nerves!!!!

I had before such strange experience with "freebsd-update".

There is sure something to fix on this program.

And the forced merge with vi offered by it is also not at the best moment.

BTW, I hate to say it, but with Debian it is much, much easier and faster.
It depend of the hardware and the internet connection speed to the closest update mirror server.

Learning a basic vi commands is mandatory. It's not so complicated and it can be learned very easy with some practice on a test file.
Of course I know basic vi, that is not the problem, but at the moment of the upgrade I am not prepared to
edit on the fly the sendmail configuration file, master password, etc/group and such delicate files.

It wonders me that I am the only one that see there a problem ...

And why to fetch again what was fetched?!

At the end, it is perhaps easier and faster to download iso file and reinstall. Wonderfull "freebsd-update"!!!
And the forced merge with vi offered by it is also not at the best moment.
so what is it now? it doesn't perform any upgrade or tries to merge some files and asking you to resolve conflicts?
If it is the latter and you abort or don't resolve the conflicts, of course it won't proceed installing the upgrade.

It wonders me that I am the only one that see there a problem ...
I upgraded around a dozen hosts from 12.4 to 13.N by now and many more jails - apart from some minor merge hiccups here and there (mostly because me being in a hurry and not paying enough attention), there were no issues if you'd followed the procedure and preparations outlined in the installation instructions [1] for the new release...
If that host has been neglected for such a long time, you might also have to upgrade freebsd-update itself first by running freebsd-update fetch install. This is also outlined in the installation instructions for 13.3R - you read those, as well as the release notes and the (possibly) breaking changes outlined there, didn't you? Doing a major release upgrade it might also be wise to read the changelogs for the initial release of the new branch (i.e. for 13.0R).

[1] https://www.freebsd.org/releases/13.3R/installation/
If it is the latter and you abort or don't resolve the conflicts, of course it won't proceed installing the upgrade.
I *had* to open vi and edit group, master.password and sendmail.mc.

I did it, although it was not the time to do it. I think no one configures sendmail.mc on the fly, without care,
but the wonderful freebsd-update forces you to do it.
freebsd-update and pkg are one of the many good things that happen to FreeBSD. Before that you had to build the kernel and userland manually and then rebuild ports for days.
The whole afternoon until the night upgrading to 13,
I ended with broken X11, a lot of time wasted with X11,
then tryied to upgrade to 14, I went at 3 am to bed and left upgrade,
now upgrading packages, who knows if I will have X11 running ...

Do you see that I have a reason not to upgrade a working system?

This freebsd-upgrade is unusable.