Unable to copy and paste files with dolphin

After upgrading some packages yesterday dolphin is no longer able to copy and paste files. When I attempt to paste a file I get the error message "The file or folder Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying does not exist".

Here's a list of all the packages affected by the upgrade:
The following 127 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    draco-3d-compression: 1.5.6
    ghostscript10: 10.02.0
    plasma5-oxygen-sounds: 5.27.9
    urw-base35-fonts: 20200910
    zix: 0.4.2

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
    alsa-lib: 1.2.2_1 -> 1.2.10
    alsa-plugins: 1.2.2_13 ->
    apache24: 2.4.58 -> 2.4.58_1
    coin-or-Clp: 1.17.8 -> 1.17.9
    coin-or-cbc: 2.10.10_2 -> 2.10.11
    coin-or-cgl: 0.60.7 -> 0.60.8
    ebur128: 0.1.8_3 -> 0.1.8_4
    firefox: 119.0_1,2 -> 119.0_2,2
    glib: 2.78.0,2 -> 2.78.1,2
    gpgme: 1.22.0 -> 1.23.1
    gpgme-cpp: 1.22.0 -> 1.23.1
    gpgme-qt-headers: 1.22.0 -> 1.23.1
    gpgme-qt5: 1.22.0 -> 1.23.1
    kde5: ->
    kf5-frameworkintegration: 5.110.0 -> 5.110.0_1
    kf5-kfilemetadata: 5.110.0 -> 5.110.0_1
    kf5-ki18n: 5.110.0_1 -> 5.110.0_2
    kf5-kimageformats: 5.110.0 -> 5.110.0_1
    kf5-qqc2-desktop-style: 5.110.0 -> 5.110.0_1
    kio-extras: 23.08.2 -> 23.08.2_1
    libarchive: 3.7.1,1 -> 3.7.2,1
    libimagequant: 4.2.2 -> 4.2.2_1
    librsvg2-rust: 2.56.4 -> 2.56.4_1
    lilv: 0.24.12_1 -> 0.24.22
    mod_php81: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    neon: 0.32.4 -> 0.32.5
    oniguruma: 6.9.8_1 -> 6.9.9
    p11-kit: 0.24.1_2 -> 0.25.0
    p5-Mojolicious: 9.34 -> 9.35
    php81: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-bz2: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-calendar: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-ctype: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-curl: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-dom: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-exif: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-fileinfo: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-filter: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-gd: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-iconv: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-intl: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-mbstring: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-mysqli: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-opcache: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-pdo: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-pdo_sqlite: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-phar: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-posix: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-session: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-simplexml: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-sqlite3: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-tokenizer: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-xml: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-xmlreader: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-xmlwriter: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-zip: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    php81-zlib: 8.1.24 -> 8.1.25
    plasma5-breeze: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-breeze-gtk: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-discover: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-drkonqi: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kactivitymanagerd: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kde-cli-tools: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kde-gtk-config: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kdecoration: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kdeplasma-addons: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kgamma5: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-khotkeys: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kinfocenter: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kmenuedit: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kpipewire: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kscreen: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kscreenlocker: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-ksshaskpass: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-ksystemstats: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kwallet-pam: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kwayland-integration: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kwin: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-kwrited: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-layer-shell-qt: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-libkscreen: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-libksysguard: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-milou: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-oxygen: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-plasma: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-plasma-browser-integration: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-plasma-desktop: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-plasma-disks: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-plasma-integration: 5.27.8_1 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-plasma-pa: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-plasma-sdk: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-plasma-workspace: 5.27.8 ->
    plasma5-plasma-workspace-wallpapers: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-polkit-kde-agent-1: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-powerdevil: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-sddm-kcm: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-systemsettings: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    plasma5-xdg-desktop-portal-kde: 5.27.8 -> 5.27.9
    py39-Babel: 2.13.0 -> 2.13.1
    py39-cryptography: 41.0.4,1 -> 41.0.4_1,1
    py39-netCDF4: 1.6.4 -> 1.6.5
    py39-outcome: 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0
    py39-rpds-py: 0.10.0_1 -> 0.10.0_2
    qgis: 3.32.3 -> 3.34.0
    sord: 0.16.14 -> 0.16.16
    sratom: 0.6.14_1 -> 0.6.16
    thunderbird: 115.4.0_1 -> 115.4.1
    ungoogled-chromium: 118.0.5993.88 -> 118.0.5993.117
    virtualbox-ose: 6.1.46_1 -> 6.1.48
    virtualbox-ose-kmod: 6.1.46 -> 6.1.48
    xorg-server: 21.1.8_6,1 -> 21.1.9,1
    xorgproto: 2022.1_1 -> 2023.2
    xterm: 387 -> 388
    xwayland-devel: ->
    ztop: 0.2.1_10 -> 0.2.1_11

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
    ImageMagick7- (direct dependency changed: ghostscript10)
    cups-filters-1.28.16_5 (direct dependency changed: ghostscript10)
    cups-pdf-3.0.1_2 (direct dependency changed: ghostscript10)
    gv-3.7.4_5 (direct dependency changed: ghostscript10)
    kf5-kcoreaddons-5.110.0 (direct dependency changed: qt5-dbus)
    libspectre-0.2.12 (direct dependency changed: ghostscript10)
    tigervnc-viewer-1.13.1_2 (required shared library changed)
freebsd-version -kru ; uname -aKU

pkg -vv | grep -e url -e enabled -e priority
curlew:/tmp% freebsd-version -kru ; uname -aKU
FreeBSD curlew 13.2-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p4 GENERIC amd64 1302001 1302001
curlew:/tmp% pkg -vv | grep -e url -e enabled -e priority
    url             : "pkg+http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/FreeBSD:13:amd64/latest",
    enabled         : yes,
    priority        : 0,
ls -hln /var/run/user/

Also, is FUSE used for any mount point?

[CODE]devfs on /dev (devfs)
tmpfs on /tmp (tmpfs, local)
tmpfs on /var/run (tmpfs, local)
procfs on /proc (procfs, local)
fdescfs on /dev/fd (fdescfs)
/dev/md0 on /home/mike/.cache/chromium (ufs, local, soft-updates)[/CODE]

Do you use SDDM to log in?

curlew:/home/mike% ls -hln /var/run/user/
total 1
drwx------  10 1004  1004   832B  4 Nov 20:02 1004/
1004 is my user and group ID.

I don't have any FUSE mounts. In case it's relvant here's my /etc/fstab
/dev/gpt/swap1  none            swap    sw                      0       0
/dev/gpt/swap2  none            swap    sw                      0       0
tmpfs           /tmp            tmpfs   rw,mode=01777           0       0
tmpfs           /var/run        tmpfs   rw                      0       0
proc            /proc           procfs  rw                      0       0
fdesc           /dev/fd         fdescfs rw                      0       0
md              /home/mike/.cache/chromium mfs rw,late,-wmike:mike,-s300m 2 0
/dev/cd0        /cdrom          cd9660  ro,noauto               0       0
/dev/cd0        /home/mike/cdrom  cd9660  ro,noauto,nosuid      0       0
I do use SDDM to log in but as an experiment I disabled SDDM and ran startx after logging in and still had the same problem.

My experience does match KDE bug 473733 except that although there's no errors in dmesg or /var/log message I do get an error 'kf.coreaddons: Some files could not be exported. QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply", "Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying")' on the command line output of the program.