UFS Partition labels during Installation

During installation, you have the option to give your partitions a label.

I can't find them. I looked in /etc/fstab . There isn't a /dev/label or /dev/gpt directory.

Any Idea?
gpart show -l shows me the labels, but what is the full length of these partitions? To put them in /etc/fstab .
I can't find them. There isn't such a directory.

root@ns2:~ # gpart show -l
=>      40  41942960  vtbd0  GPT  (20G)
        40        24         - free -  (12K)
        64    532480      1  (null)  (260M)
    532544   2097152      2  root  (1.0G)
   2629696   2097152      3  swap  (1.0G)
   4726848   4194304      4  tmp  (2.0G)
   8921152   4194304      5  var  (2.0G)
  13115456   4194304      6  varlog  (2.0G)
  17309760  24633240      7  usr  (12G)

root@ns2:~ # ls /dev/ufs/
ls: /dev/ufs/: No such file or directory

root@ns2:~ # find /dev -name "var*" -print
root@ns2:~ #