Typing Test

I believe the results of this test are not very realistic, as the text you have to type in has absolutely no context whatsoever. You could as well type random pages of a dictionary :e
Not bad CB. 71/4 first time.

Someone needs to make a Unix typing speed test. I find my typing is very accustomed to things like "cd /usr/local/etc" or "ps ax |grep blah" :p
You type 486 characters per minute
You have 91 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words

Yay. It's meaningless, though -- it's braindead to just copy the words -- when I have to think what I'm going to type (like on a forum or in a terminal), I'm much slower. :)
First attempt

Words per minute (WPM) 65
Keystrokes 331
(327 | 4)
Correct words 63
Wrong words 1
You are better than 86.42% of all users (position 15509 of 114239 - last 24 hours)


Words per minute (WPM) 75
Keystrokes 383
(375 | 8)
Correct words 75
Wrong words 2
You are better than 91.01% of all users (position 10256 of 114133 - last 24 hours)

Remember kids, stretch first! ;)
My first and only try.

Words per minute (WPM)	70
Keystrokes	352
(352 | 0)
Correct words	69
Wrong words	0
You are better than 89.05% of all users (position 12545 of 114606 - last 24 hours)

Not stellar, but probably better than the guys who teased me for taking typing class "with all the girls" in high school.
Not bad I guess.

Result Screenshot Words per minute (WPM) 99
Keystrokes 504
(497 | 7)
Correct words 97
Wrong words 1
You are better than 97.78% of all users (position 2532 of 114270 - last 24 hours)

I find my typing is very accustomed to things like "cd /usr/local/etc" or "ps ax |grep blah"

Thats what you get when you are on the console all the time. Its like second nature and muscle memory, you type it even without thinking.
Oxyd said:
You type 486 characters per minute
You have 91 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words

Yay. It's meaningless, though -- it's braindead to just copy the words -- when I have to think what I'm going to type (like on a forum or in a terminal), I'm much slower. :)

Agreed. I think typing tests are a bit outdated anyway. They came in handy for secretaries whose main purpose was to type what they were told though. Now, most people have to think about what they're writing which takes a bit more time.
It took me three tries to get to 44 WPM with 0 errors... I noticed one guy on the site did 126 WPM.

mickey said:
Keep it icy man. I don't want to end up a corpse before my time because you were daydreaming...

A fellow Freelancer fan?! :e Have you heard about Chris Roberts' new game Star Citizen?
German: 77 words per minute, 2 errors.

WPM - 361
Keystrokes - 1803
Position - 1 of 115119

Typing is so '90s... Let the software type for you. (Paste the snippet in your JavaScript console once the page loads.)
var _words = $('#row1 span');
var _field = $('#inputfield');
var _cur_interval = 0;
var _step = 1;

function _trigger (code) {
    var e = $.Event("keyup");
    e.which = code;
    e.keyCode = code;


$.each(_words, function(i, v) {
    setTimeout(function () {
        if (i == _words.length - 1)
            countdown = 0;

        var word = $(v).html();
        _field.val(word + ' ');
    }, _cur_interval + _step);
    _cur_interval += _step;
I put online recently https://canopusc.github
Here is my best score