root@TV:~ # w_scan -c US
w_scan -c US
w_scan version 20170107 (compiled for DVB API 5.10)
using settings for UNITED STATES
scan type TERRCABLE_ATSC, channellist 1
output format vdr-2.0
WARNING: could not guess your codepage. Falling back to 'UTF-8'
output charset 'UTF-8', use -C <charset> to override
Info: using DVB adapter auto detection.
/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 -> TERRCABLE_ATSC "Fusion 7 Dual Express tuner #2": good :-)
/dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend0 -> TERRCABLE_ATSC "Fusion 7 Dual Express tuner #1": good :-)
Using TERRCABLE_ATSC frontend (adapter /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0)
-_-_-_-_ Getting frontend capabilities-_-_-_-_
Using DVB API 5.5
frontend 'Fusion 7 Dual Express tuner #2' supports
FREQ (54.00MHz ... 890.00MHz)
57000: 8VSB(time: 00:00.122)
63000: 8VSB(time: 00:03.167)
69000: 8VSB(time: 00:06.196)
79000: 8VSB(time: 00:09.223)
85000: 8VSB(time: 00:12.231)
tune to: 8VSB f=575000 kHz (0:0:0) (time: 03:36.806)
service is running. Channel number: 10:1. Name: 'WAVY'
service is running. Channel number: 10:2. Name: 'Bounce'
service is running. Channel number: 10:3. Name: 'GET-TV'
tune to: 8VSB f=581000 kHz (0:0:0) (time: 03:38.909)
Info: no data from PAT after 2 seconds
Info: no data from VCT(terr) after 6 seconds
tune to: 8VSB f=587000 kHz (0:0:0) (time: 03:45.811)
WARNING: received garbage data: crc = 0xb4bba7a6; expected crc = 0x26c0ecd7
increasing filter timeout to 35 secs (pid:8187 table_id:200 table_id_ext:-1).
WARNING: received garbage data: crc = 0x5bcb7400; expected crc = 0xd11178f7
increasing filter timeout to 31 secs (pid:64 table_id:2 table_id_ext:-1).
service is running. Channel number: 33:1. Name: 'WTVZ-HD'
service is running. Channel number: 33:2. Name: 'ASN'
service is running. Channel number: 33:3. Name: 'Comet'
service is running. Channel number: 33:4. Name: 'TBD-TV'
tune to: 8VSB f=593000 kHz (0:0:0) (time: 03:48.182)
Info: no data from PAT after 2 seconds
Info: no data from VCT(terr) after 6 seconds
(time: 03:54.879) dumping lists (16 services)
Done, scan time: 03:54.879
make config
and modify the options (turned on HDHomeRun support), and then used ports-mgmt/synth. I didn't watch the screen but yeah pretty sure Synth compiled it (into its own pkg), since I modified options thus can't use stock pkg from repository.No I installed from packages.Did you need to make any changes to multimedia/tvheadend to make it work?
I am not arguing this point but realistically if it don't work with w_scan it will not work with the GUI.Yes, tvheadend has a web gui, you also do configuration there.
True, and a good point to keep in mind.I am not arguing this point but realistically if it don't work with w_scan it will not work with the GUI.
shows as.ugen1.4 <Digital TV Yuan> at usbus1
I got my Hauppauge HVR-1800 working tonight.
I only have a small telescoping antenna right now. Here is tvheadend on FreeBSD and my Over-the-Air EPG.
View attachment 4090
pkg install tvheadend
but got a number of errors trying to install it:-Creating user 'tvheadend' with uid '984'
pw: user 'tvheadend' disappeared during update
install: unknown user 'tvheadend'
pkg: PRE-INSTALL script failed
# tvheadend
tvheadend: Command not found.
Yes you need to setup webcamd.Do I need to do anything within FreeBSD to try and make it work with tvheadend or should tvheadend automatically pick it up?
can scan the tuner. It is the best indicator of correct setup including the proper firmware.I can only speak to cx88 devices. It seems their list is quite accurate and all the listed cards actually work.Sweet. Did you have to do any secret saucing to get that card to work, or does it work out of the box as is? I wonder how some of their newer cards work with FreeBSD?
pkg install cx88 w_scan v4l_compat libv4l
root@TV:~ # kldload cuse
root@TV:~ # kldload cx23885
root@TV:~ # kldload cx23885avfw
root@TV:~ # service cx88d start
Starting cx88d.
root@TV:~ # cx88
[cx88 2017-10-31 17:57:45] Error: You must specify a device (-d); Available devices:
Digital video:
/dev/cx88mpeg0: WinTV HVR-1800
Analog video:
(No devices found)
Analog audio:
/dev/cx88audio0: WinTV HVR-1800
/dev/cx88audio1: WinTV HVR-1800
root@TV:~ # ls /dev/dvb
root@TV:~ # ls /dev/dvb/adapter0
demux0 dvr0 frontend0
root@TV:~ # cx88 -d /dev/cx88mpeg0
Welcome to the cx88 capture app. Enter '?' for a list of commands.
> i
Driver stopped.
Channel: fox
No signal
/dev/cx88mpeg0 (WinTV HVR-1800)
Input source:
> h
[cx88 2017-10-31 18:03:39] Driver started.
> [libtuner 2017-10-31 18:03:40] CX24227: demodulator not locked
[cx88 2017-10-31 18:03:40] Error starting frontend device
> s
Scanning profile USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 (87.013%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 (79.7619%) . 33 (84.9567%) . . . . . . 40 (86.9048%) . . . . . 46 (75.6494%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finished scan.
> [libtuner 2017-10-31 18:06:46] CX24227: demodulator not locked
[cx88 2017-10-31 18:06:46] Error starting frontend device
[cx88 2017-10-31 18:06:53] Driver stopped.
> h
[cx88 2017-10-31 18:06:56] Driver started.
> [libtuner 2017-10-31 18:06:57] CX24227: demodulator not locked
[cx88 2017-10-31 18:06:57] Error starting frontend device
Interactive commands:
c <channel> [<timeout>] Change channel, optionally specifying lock timeout in ms
s [<strength%> [<timeout>]] Scan for channels with at least the specified signal strength (0-100)
i Get current tuning information
h Toggle start/stop of all captures
+ <URL> [<minutes>] Add a capture using the specified URL, with an optional time limit
- <number> Remove capture by index (use 'i' to get indexed capture list)
r [<minutes>] Toggle start/stop of recording to default recording file
n [<source>] Change the active input source, or list available sources
p [<port>] Set remote control port (0 => auto), or display list of remote connections
p- Disable remote control
t [<minutes>] Set program timer (0 => disable), or display remaining time
t <minutes> <capture #> Set the timer for the given capture number (0 => disable)
ver Display version
q Quit app(interactive), or close session(remote)
q! Quit app(both interactive and remote)
b Toggle between backend and normal capture modes
psi Enable/disable MPEG stream parsing
cx88_mpeg_capture <json> Display/modify the capture ioctl params sent to the driver (use with caution!)
cx88_mpeg_config <json> Display/modify the buffer configuration params sent to the driver (use with caution!)
Capture URLs:
file:// Append to file (e.g. file:///home/user/capture.m2t)
oss:// Output to OSS audio device (e.g. oss:///dev/dsp0)
tcp:// Output to TCP client socket (e.g. tcp://localhost:8802)
udp:// Output to UDP port (e.g. udp://localhost:8802)
dvb:// Create Linux DVB device nodes (e.g. dvb://adapter0)
radio:// Create Linux V4L2 radio device nodes (e.g. radio://radio0)
rec:// Overwrite file (e.g. rec:///home/user/capture.m2t)
Requires firmware dvb-usb-it9135-01.fw; dual tuner, second tuner now tested and seems to be working, remote not working...
pkg install w_scan
w_scan -c GB
Please check wether dvb driver is loaded and
verify that no dvb application (i.e. vdr) is running.
So what this means is you must get your device loaded correctly with webcamd before w_scan.That was why I recommend you get it where w_scan can scan the tuner. It is the best indicator of correct setup including the proper firmware.
So what this means is you must get your device loaded correctly with webcamd before w_scan.
If you device is not listed on LinuxTV then I doubt it will work.
tvheadend_flags="--noacl -l"