Solved Trying to mount Geli ZFS

I'm trying to mount a geli-encrypted zfs internal drive while booting from a USB.

I used geli attach ada0p3 and I entered the password at the prompt.

Then zpool import to see the pools. There's only one called zroot. So I enter zpool import zroot and there's an error about /usr/home and usr/ports not having mount points.

I next use the command zfs set mountpoint=/mnt zroot but then cd into /mnt there's nothing there.

Can someone clear up my mistake? I'd like to mount this drive at it root directory and traverse up from there. In other words I want access to /var and /usr and so on.
Something like this? This is taken from my own notes when I think I tried this myself a couple of years ago to make sure I could access it via a USB stick.

geli attach /dev/ada0p3
zpool import -fR /mnt zroot
mount -t zfs zroot/ROOT/default /mnt
zfs mount -a
You should add -N flag, "-N Import the pool without mounting any file systems." otherwise you might end up mounting the pool to it's default mount on import.


And you might end up mounting zroot/ROOT/default to / on the livefs
Yeah you're right in this case it is. I think but then you shouldn't mount it to /mnt again it should already be mounted i think.