To access Banned websites

Good day,

I have problem with accessing the banned sites.
Which programs are being used to access banned websites on FreeBSD?
Are they banned PC-wise, country-wise, work-wise?

Generally you need to use some proxy, that has access to your site.
Be aware, that 3rd party proxy can spy on you.
@ Hi graudeejs
I don't know exactly, but I think they are banned country-wise. Like BBC, VOA and some media sites including wordpress and etc. I surfed them on Windows XP by programs like ultrasurf and some others.
You can access them using some proxy, that has access to them.

Try (I don't encourage it, it's just one that I know).
It has limited functionality, but it'll get you started
I use turbo future in opera browser to view banned sites in my country. It is usefull, but opera with turbo future worse quality of pics for low traffic.
If you use Chrome and install Tor, then this might come in handy:

if ! pgrep vidalia > /dev/null; then

rm -rf /tmp/torchrome &&
mkdir -p /tmp/torchrome/Default &&
touch /tmp/torchrome/First\ Run
cat <<END > /tmp/torchrome/Default/Preferences &&
   "alternate_error_pages": {
      "enabled": false
   "autofill": {
      "enabled": false
   "browser": {
      "custom_chrome_frame": true
   "default_search_provider": {
      "enabled": true,
      "encodings": "UTF-8",
      "icon_url": "about:blank",
      "id": "2",
      "instant_url": "",
      "keyword": "",
      "name": "Google",
      "prepopulate_id": "1",
      "search_url": "{google:baseURL}search?ie={inputEncoding}&q={searchTerms}",
      "suggest_url": ""
   "dns_prefetching": {
      "enabled": false
   "download": {
      "directory_upgrade": true
   "extensions": {
      "autoupdate": {
         "next_check": "12940162523897409"
      "chrome_url_overrides": {
         "bookmarks": [ "chrome-extension://eemcgdkfndhakfknompkggombfjjjeno/main.html" ]
      "theme": {
         "id": "",
         "use_system": true
   "geolocation": {
      "default_content_setting": 2
   "google": {
      "services": {
         "username": ""
   "homepage": "about:blank",
   "homepage_is_newtabpage": true,
   "ntp": {
      "alt_logo_end": 1255017600.0,
      "alt_logo_start": 1255017600.0,
      "pref_version": 3,
      "web_resource_cache_update": "1295688216.445951"
   "plugins": {
      "enabled_internal_pdf3": true
   "profile": {
      "clear_site_data_on_exit": true,
      "content_settings": {
         "pref_version": 1
      "default_content_settings": {
         "plugins": 2
      "exited_cleanly": true,
      "multiple_profile_prefs_version": 1,
      "notifications_default_content_setting": 2,
      "password_manager_enabled": false
   "safebrowsing": {
      "enabled": false
   "search": {
      "suggest_enabled": false
   "sync": {
      "passwords": false,
      "preferences": false,
      "sessions": false,
      "themes": false,
      "typed_urls": false
   "tabs": {
      "use_vertical_tabs": false
   "translate": {
      "enabled": false
chrome --incognito --proxy-server=socks:// --user-data-dir=/tmp/torchrome --disable-plugins\
 --disable-java --disable-metrics --disable-metrics-reporting --user-agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U;\
 Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.237 Safari/534.10' &&
rm -rf /tmp/torchrome

The original script is from and I modified it for FreeBSD.