The best terminal emulator

xterm still rules.
It does. When a while ago, rendering of my preferred monospace font (Microsoft's "Consolas") suddenly broke for whatever reason in rxvt-unicode, I switched back to good old xterm, of course it worked reliably! I'm not even using much configuration, basically just setting the font and a "solarized" 16-color palette as it's easy on my old eyes :cool:
$ grep ^XTerm .Xresources
XTerm*faceName: xft:Consolas Nerd Font:size=10
XTerm*forceXftHeight: true
XTerm*foreground: #c8c6c5
XTerm*background: #211f1d
XTerm*BackarrowKey: true
XTerm*Geometry: 80x25
XTerm*colorMode: true
XTerm*colorBDMode: false
XTerm*colorBLMode: true
XTerm*colorULMode: false
XTerm*color0:       #2e2b28
XTerm*color8:       #413c37
XTerm*color1:       #993232
XTerm*color9:       #e63232
XTerm*color2:       #479932
XTerm*color10:      #3ecc1f
XTerm*color3:       #997b48
XTerm*color11:      #faee4b
XTerm*color4:       #2c4d8f
XTerm*color12:      #4576e6
XTerm*color5:       #855199
XTerm*color13:      #d25ef2
XTerm*color6:       #51998e
XTerm*color14:      #41d9c2
XTerm*color7:       #807870
XTerm*color15:      #c8c6c5
XTerm*TermName: xterm
XTerm*cursorColor: green

Edit, looks like this:
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...and transparency :( I understand that everyone's eyes are different, but transparency makes my eyes bleed.
As you might have noticed, the active xterm is almost opaque. For me, this underlines the "focus" visually in a helpful way...

Note that some of these fonts (including Consolas) require a Windows license to legally use them, so you have to build the port yourself enabling the EXTRAFONT option.
Note that some of these fonts (including Consolas) require a Windows license to legally use them, so you have to build the port yourself enabling the EXTRAFONT option.

Yeah. I just installed the package and can't find that font. Will do port next.
x11/konsole for me... tons of convenient features like tabs, clickable URLs, text reflow to fit the window size, copy/paste of text, and can still do UNIX basics when needed. Nice features don't get in the way of doing UNIX basics. I can do fancy stuff like giving the text or background a color scheme or transparency... I haven't bothered yet, but just knowing that Konsole can have those features and not get in the way of a good workflow - that's nice, IMHO.