What am I doing wrong since this doesn't make sense?
I have almost all packages installed with pkg as binary. I have very few packages installed from ports - vim without all gtk dependencies but with everything else and nvidia without linux dependencies.
I am using pkg upgrade to well upgrade binary packages.
Both me and FreeBSD know that I installed nvidia from ports. Even versions match so the only difference is (options changed) part. No I don't want linux_* thank you.
Why does pkg upgrade try to mess with package installed from ports? I need pkg upgrade to well upgrade everything I installed as binary packages, as needed.
What am I missing? I don't appreciate pkg upgrade trying to upgrade nvidia, since it obviously makes no sense to do that. What when some other packages need to be upgraded too? Is the only option to install again one by one and avoid pkg upgrade that way?
Even if sources and ways of building differ, binary packages and ports work well together. I bet it is very common to have 99% installed as binary and several specific packages build. It makes no sense to have to either stick with the ports or binaries completely, I don't want't to build xorg or firefox from source, than you.
So please teach me some package management, I may be doing something wrong here.
I have almost all packages installed with pkg as binary. I have very few packages installed from ports - vim without all gtk dependencies but with everything else and nvidia without linux dependencies.
I am using pkg upgrade to well upgrade binary packages.
# pkg upgrade
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking for upgrades (4 candidates): 100%
Processing candidates (4 candidates): 100%
The following 5 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
New packages to be INSTALLED:
linux-c6-xorg-libs: 7.4_9
linux-c6-fontconfig: 2.8.0_3
linux-c6-expat: 2.0.1_5
linux_base-c6: 6.9
Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
nvidia-driver-340-340.102 (options changed)
Number of packages to be installed: 4
Number of packages to be reinstalled: 1
The process will require 296 MiB more space.
68 MiB to be downloaded.
Proceed with this action? [y/N]:
Both me and FreeBSD know that I installed nvidia from ports. Even versions match so the only difference is (options changed) part. No I don't want linux_* thank you.
Why does pkg upgrade try to mess with package installed from ports? I need pkg upgrade to well upgrade everything I installed as binary packages, as needed.
What am I missing? I don't appreciate pkg upgrade trying to upgrade nvidia, since it obviously makes no sense to do that. What when some other packages need to be upgraded too? Is the only option to install again one by one and avoid pkg upgrade that way?
Even if sources and ways of building differ, binary packages and ports work well together. I bet it is very common to have 99% installed as binary and several specific packages build. It makes no sense to have to either stick with the ports or binaries completely, I don't want't to build xorg or firefox from source, than you.
So please teach me some package management, I may be doing something wrong here.