Sysinstall Command Syntax

Hi guys,

can anyone tell what the correct syntax for a custom command in a sysinstall install.cfg for freebsd 9.0 is?

This does not work:
command=/stand/ifconfig em0 up
command=/stand/dhclient em0

even a simple

command="echo 123 >> /tmp/test.txt" 

is not executed.

I have never seen a project with such a bad and outdated documentation like freebsd. Sorry.

Thank you!
Thank you.

Can you please answer my question?

I just want to execut my command in my install.cfg .

Is this simple question too much?

Plese give me the command to "echo "123" >> /tmp/test.txt" within /install.cfg so that test.txt is done on the mfsroot´s /tmp.

It just does not as documented.

So what is your matter?
So there is nobody responsible for sysinstall´s install.cfg here in the community?
This is a user community, the developers are on the mailing lists (well, almost all of them anyway).