. I never got kpa's claim of 30 seconds for a full scan.
I don't think I ever made such claim.
. I never got kpa's claim of 30 seconds for a full scan.
ImageMagick-nox11-,1.txz has less options than required (31)
ImageMagick-nox11-,1.txz failed option check.
Maybe i should install graphics/ImageMagick and turn OFF manually the options set by graphics/ImageMagick-nox11 Makefile.
What do you think ?
I don't think it will work. The port itself is broken with regard to the number of options. The value of the options is not the problem.
/usr/sbin/chroot /usr/obj/synth-live/SL09 /usr/local/sbin/pkg-static repo /packages => failed (exit code not 0)
I can't reproduce this error on DragonFly. Have you customized options on ImageMagick-nox11?Ok so what should i do with this error ? Synth will always complain ... How can i find the faulty option ?
I don't know how to debug this situation, nothing found in synth's logs files about the rebuild-repository phase
I can't reproduce this error on DragonFly. Have you customized options on ImageMagick-nox11?
databases/rrdtool package has more dependencies than the port requires (8)
Query: textproc/libxml2:libxml2-2.9.3
Tripped on: gettext-runtime-0.19.6.txz:devel/gettext-runtime
rrdtool-1.4.8_9.txz failed dependency check.
So the early possibilities are:NO and FYI i'm running FreeBSD 9.3 release amd64 with ports from 2016Q1 branch
# synth rebuild-repository
Scanning entire ports tree.
Scanning existing packages.
Failed to install pkg-static in builder 9
Failed to rebuild repository (Synth must exit)
# synth status
Querying system about current package installations.
Stand by, comparing installed packages against the ports tree.
Failed to install pkg(8) scanner (Synth must exit)
Unfortunately, the system upgrade failed.
/usr/bin/tar -xf /packages/Latest/pkg.txz -C / */pkg-static
Hi marino@
I always use synth this way
1. synth status
2. synth prepare-system
3. pkg upgrade -r Synth
When dependencies change, synth status will report all ports who needs to be rebuild
But when i run the step 3, only some packages (2 of 25) are upgraded
Why synth needs to rebuild ports if at the end they will not be reinstall ?
I was thinking all the rebuilt ports will be reinstall to fix broken dependency ?
I'm not sure i understand how dependencies are working ...
No, that's not a good idea. It's self-cleaning. In normal cases, you don't need to touch it at all.BTW what is a good size for ccache cache? I set max size at 12GB and currently the size is 7.4. Is it a good idea to clean the cache from time to time?