Oh yeah, that I have got through experiencemake.conf means "[profile]-make.conf" of course.
Say one wants to build a custom repository using synth, what is the recommended way to connect to it? Setup a webserver I guess?
If I wanted to build a custom package repository in one of my servers jails and then connect to it and use it as my pkg repository, is synth the right tool for this?
I noticed you said it is not intended to be running to jail, but is there any reason it isn't recommended? Or is it just not necessary?
I have a small server no one's using, an old Windows Home Server HP470 with 2GB of RAM I was recently given, that I could use where the only thing it would be used for is building ports. Or I could run in my much faster server, a FreeNAS server with 32GB of RAM and a Xeon E3, but it would be run in a jail alongside several other jails I use for other things. Or, would I be better off just running synth on the system I want to update itself? What would you recommend?
Using ZFS, 8GB of RAM but an i3 processor (and that's what compiling taxes)...
I have a small server no one's using, an old Windows Home Server HP470 with 2GB of RAM I was recently given, that I could use where the only thing it would be used for is building ports. Or I could run in my much faster server, a FreeNAS server with 32GB of RAM and a Xeon E3, but it would be run in a jail alongside several other jails I use for other things. Or, would I be better off just running synth on the system I want to update itself? What would you recommend?
When you say slow, how slow exactly do you mean? To compile all the ports I might use on a desktop, what timeframe would I be looking at?So do I. See https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/47319/
I would say your HP470, as dear as it is to you and me will be slowwwwwwwww for ports building efforts. I use it as a miniNAS (running FreeBSD) and I use net-p2p/btsync to sync my files with my main FreeBSD based NAS. I do have Synth on it, but only for keeping it up to date. For bigger port building efforts I currently use a Dell PowerEdge 1950 ( see https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/54413/ )and it works real well with FreeBSD on bare metal.
To compile all the ports I might use on a desktop, what timeframe would I be looking at?
Also, is it possible to use a combination ports from a private repository and the official repositories? So only compile the parts that aren't available in the official repository.
synth configure
section of the man page.I just built a ports list essentially including kde4, libreoffice and chromium on an older desktop machine using poudriere: 51 hours. This is just for testing, I'll soon have my new server for such thingsBut compiling is a very resource-intensive process, particularly on the CPU. If you're using a low-powered machine to build an entire desktop environment and complementary ports, it's not unusual for it to take a full 24 hours or more.
I just built a ports list essentially including kde4, libreoffice and chromium on an older desktop machine using poudriere: 51 hours. This is just for testing, I'll soon have my new server for such thingsSo yes, it takes a very long time. It's probably a bit faster with synth (without the jails overhead, preparing them here, especially without ZFS, takes some time) but I wouldn't expect a huge difference.
This is actually not true. Chroots are much, much faster than using jails. We have anecdotes that using Synth cuts 25% off the time. Earlier in this thread, someone reported a job that reproducibly takes 24 hours on poudriere only takes 18 hours on synth. The same exact task. Others have reported noticibly shorter build times.Jail runtime overhead is totally negligible and synth uses the same kind of techniques anyway, setting up chroot(8) is about as fast as jail cloning with ZFS and mount_nullfs(5) works the same on both. Where poudriere loses is when you are not using ZFS, the jail cloning becomes an expensive operation because it's done with cpdup(1).
This is a false statement. Both programs use the exact same logic to determine rebuilding and both are equally aggressive at removing packages for rebuilding. Your statement is simply incorrect.Maybe, Synth is faster with the same number of packages, but this does not matter, cause synth compiles everytimes more packages than poudriere.
does not recompile a package if it does not change, Synth
does (e.g webkit-gtk is recompiled every second run).When you say slow, how slow exactly do you mean? To compile all the ports I might use on a desktop, what timeframe would I be looking at?
root@bclinton:~# pkg update
Updating bobama repository catalogue...
Repository bobama has a wrong packagesite, need to re-create database
pkg: http:///bobama:8080/live_packages/meta.txz: No address record
repository bobama has no meta file, using default settings
pkg: http:///bobama:8080/live_packages/packagesite.txz: No address record
Unable to update repository bobama
root@bobama:~# cat /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
load_module modules/ngx_mail_module.so;
load_module modules/ngx_stream_module.so;
worker_processes 1;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
sendfile on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
server {
listen 8080;
location / {
root /usr/local/www/nginx;
index index.html index.htm;
location /live_packages {
root /var/synth/;
autoindex on;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /usr/local/www/nginx-dist;
root@bclinton:~# cat /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/bobama.conf
bobama: {
url : http:///bobama:8080/live_packages,
mirror_type: "http",
enabled : yes,
synth prepare-system
Querying system about current package installations.
Stand by, comparing installed packages against the ports tree.
Stand by, updating external repository catalogs ... done.
Scanning existing packages.
pan-0.140.txz NLS is ON but port says it must be OFF
00:00:17 => [02] Builder launched
00:00:17 => [04] Builder launched
00:00:17 => [01] Builder launched
00:00:17 => [03] Builder launched
00:00:17 => [02] Shutting down
00:00:17 => [04] Shutting down
00:00:17 => [03] Shutting down
piped_mute_command failure:
=> umount: unmount of /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/construction failed: Device busy
piped_mute_command failure:
=> umount: unmount of /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/dev failed: Device busy
piped_mute_command failure:
=> umount: unmount of /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin failed: Device busy
piped_mute_command failure:
=> umount: unmount of /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01 failed: Device busy
piped_mute_command failure:
=> rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/pax: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/echo: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/hostname: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/cp: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/cat: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/pwait: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/[: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/realpath: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/rcp: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/chmod: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/rm: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/chflags: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/sync: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/dd: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/sleep: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/kill: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/chio: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/ln: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/getfacl: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/red: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/setfacl: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/csh: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/pgrep: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/stty: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/unlink: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/kenv: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/rmdir: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/ls: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/ed: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/ps: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/expr: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/date: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/tcsh: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/domainname: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/uuidgen: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/rmail: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/sh: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/pwd: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/pkill: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/mkdir: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/test: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/df: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/mv: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/link: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin/freebsd-version: Read-only file system
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/bin: Device busy
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/dev/reroot: Operation not supported
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/dev/fd: Operation not supported
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/dev/led: Operation not supported
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/dev/usb: Operation not supported
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/dev/msdosfs: Operation not supported
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/dev/gpt: Operation not supported
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/dev/pts: Operation not supported
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/dev: Device busy
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01/construction: Device busy
rm: /usr/obj/synth-live/SL01: Device busy
00:00:50 => [01] 00:00:32 Failure news/pan
00:00:50 => [01] Shutting down
The task is complete. Final tally:
Initial queue size: 1
packages built: 0
ignored: 0
skipped: 0
failed: 1
Duration: 00:00:49
The build logs can be found at: /var/log/synth
Stand by, prescanning existing packages.
Stand by, recursively scanning 879 ports serially.
Scanning existing packages.
Packages validated, rebuilding local repository.
Local repository successfully rebuilt
; This Synth configuration file is automatically generated
; Take care when hand editing!
[Global Configuration]
profile_selected= LiveSystem
Operating_system= FreeBSD
Directory_packages= /data/live_packages
Directory_repository= /data/live_packages/All
Directory_portsdir= /usr/ports
Directory_options= /var/db/ports
Directory_distfiles= /usr/ports/distfiles
Directory_buildbase= /usr/obj/synth-live
Directory_logs= /var/log/synth
Directory_ccache= /root/.ccache
Directory_system= /
Number_of_builders= 4
Max_jobs_per_builder= 4
Tmpfs_workdir= true
Tmpfs_localbase= true
Display_with_ncurses= false
leverage_prebuilt= true
uname -a
FreeBSD bobama 10.3-RELEASE FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE #0 r297264: Fri Mar 25 02:10:02 UTC 2016 root@releng1.nyi.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64
root@bobama:pan# svn diff
Index: Makefile
--- Makefile (revision 414425)
+++ Makefile (working copy)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
USE_GCC= any
-LDFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib -lgnuregex ${ICONV_LIB}
+LDFLAGS+= -L${LOCALBASE}/lib -lgnuregex ${ICONV_LIB} -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++