I'm have observed a a strange behavior for a few times now, and I need to ask about:
just yesterday I completed an update (
Something similar happened the previous time too. However, once built/installed I have no data to display to check it the whole process is correct or not.
Today, I just updated the port tree (
The difference (844 - 704) easily account for build dependencies, that's fine.
portupgrade report 1 single port needs to be rebuild:
(The 10 ignored are out of port tree pkgs)
The question is: what's is triggering all those "failed dependency check" on an otherwise updated system ? Is something wrong in my setup or am I doing something wrong ?
Must be noted that I have no issue, other than some (apparently) wasted time rebuilding those packages.
I have not performed further steps right now, if needed I can provide info about the current state of the things.
just yesterday I completed an update (
synth prepare-system
; pkg upgrade -r Synth
), the process built approximatedly 150 pkgs, and installed only very few (4 or 5).Something similar happened the previous time too. However, once built/installed I have no data to display to check it the whole process is correct or not.
Today, I just updated the port tree (
svnlite upgrade /usr/ports
and before doing anything else I checked:
# pkg info | wc
704 4812 50498
# ls /var/synth/live_packages/All/ | wc
844 844 18858
The difference (844 - 704) easily account for build dependencies, that's fine.
portupgrade report 1 single port needs to be rebuild:
# portupgrade -a -n
+ security/trousers (trousers-0.3.13_1 -> trousers-0.3.14)
---> Packages processed: 1 done, 10 ignored, 0 skipped and 0 failed
synth status
report 113 pkgs need to be rebuilt:
# synth status
Querying system about current package installations.
Stand by, comparing installed packages against the ports tree.
Scan of x11-themes/ghostbsd-wallpapers failed (port deleted), it will not be considered.
Scan of x11/xfce-installed-settings failed (port deleted), it will not be considered.
Scan of sysutils/inxi failed (port deleted), it will not be considered.
Scan of net-mgmt/networkmgr failed (port deleted), it will not be considered.
Scan of x11/ghostbsd-slim-theme failed (port deleted), it will not be considered.
Scan of x11-themes/ghostbsd-icons failed (port deleted), it will not be considered.
Scan of x11/ghostbsd-installed-common-settings failed (port deleted), it will not be considered.
Scan of devel/ssft failed (port deleted), it will not be considered.
Scan of x11-themes/ghostbsd-mate-themes failed (port deleted), it will not be considered.
Scan of sysutils/ghostbsd-grub2-settings failed (port deleted), it will not be considered.
Scanning existing packages.
gnutls-3.4.16.txz failed dependency check.
cups-2.2.1.txz failed dependency check.
gtk2-2.24.29_2.txz failed dependency check.
gtk3-3.18.8_3.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-conf-4.12.1.txz failed dependency check.
libxfce4menu-4.12.1_1.txz failed dependency check.
libwnck-2.30.7.txz failed dependency check.
garcon-0.4.0_1.txz failed dependency check.
libexo-0.10.7.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-panel-4.12.1.txz failed dependency check.
ghostscript9-agpl-base-9.16_5.txz failed dependency check.
glib-networking-2.46.1_1.txz failed dependency check.
libsoup-2.52.2.txz failed dependency check.
texlive-base-20150521_13.txz failed dependency check.
texlive-texmf-20150523_3.txz failed dependency check.
geoclue-2.3.0.txz failed dependency check.
gconf2-3.2.6_4.txz failed dependency check.
libsoup-gnome-2.52.2.txz failed dependency check.
tex-formats-20150521_2.txz failed dependency check.
rest-0.7.93.txz failed dependency check.
webkit2-gtk3-2.8.5_6.txz failed dependency check.
gcr-3.18.0.txz failed dependency check.
libglade2-2.6.4_8.txz failed dependency check.
qt5-printsupport-5.6.2.txz failed dependency check.
tex-xmltex-1.9_2.txz failed dependency check.
policykit-gnome-0.9.2_7.txz failed dependency check.
gnome-online-accounts-3.18.4_1.txz failed dependency check.
uhttpmock-0.5.0.txz failed dependency check.
libcanberra-0.30_3.txz failed dependency check.
libgdata-0.17.4.txz failed dependency check.
tex-jadetex-3.13_3.txz failed dependency check.
qt5-webkit-5.6.2.txz failed dependency check.
gnome-mount-0.8_12.txz failed dependency check.
ffmpeg-2.8.8_5,1.txz failed dependency check.
gvfs-1.26.3_2.txz failed dependency check.
qt5-assistant-5.6.2.txz failed dependency check.
tex-dvipsk-5.995_1.txz failed dependency check.
py27-gtk2-2.24.0_4.txz failed dependency check.
docbook-utils-0.6.14_13.txz failed dependency check.
Thunar-1.6.10_2.txz failed dependency check.
doxygen-1.8.12,2.txz failed dependency check.
qt5-designer-5.6.2.txz failed dependency check.
webkit-gtk2-2.4.11_4.txz failed dependency check.
claws-mail-3.14.1.txz failed dependency check.
gtkmm24-2.24.4_2.txz failed dependency check.
gtksourceview2-2.10.5_4.txz failed dependency check.
unique-1.1.6_6.txz failed dependency check.
vte3-0.42.4_1.txz failed dependency check.
gnupg-2.1.15.txz failed dependency check.
orage-4.12.1_1.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-notifyd-0.3.4.txz failed dependency check.
qt5-linguist-5.6.2.txz failed dependency check.
cups-pk-helper-0.2.5_1.txz failed dependency check.
libspectre-0.2.8.txz failed dependency check.
py27-pycups-1.9.73_1.txz failed dependency check.
firefox-50.0_2,1.txz failed dependency check.
thunderbird-45.4.0_2.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-settings-4.12.1.txz failed dependency check.
samba36-3.6.25_3.txz failed dependency check.
libxfce4gui-4.10.0_5.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-appfinder-4.12.0.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-desktop-4.12.3.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-session-4.12.1_3.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-wm-4.12.3.txz failed dependency check.
gtk-xfce-engine-3.2.0.txz failed dependency check.
mousepad-0.4.0_2.txz failed dependency check.
pavucontrol-3.0.txz failed dependency check.
pinentry-gnome3-0.9.7.txz failed dependency check.
keybinder-0.3.1.txz failed dependency check.
keybinder-gtk3-0.3.1.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-terminal-0.8.1.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-volumed-pulse-0.2.2.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-xkb-plugin-0.7.1.txz failed dependency check.
virtualbox-ose-5.1.8.txz failed dependency check.
cups-filters-1.11.4.txz failed dependency check.
cups-smb-backend-1.0_7.txz failed dependency check.
ghostscript9-agpl-x11-9.16_2.txz failed dependency check.
system-config-printer-1.4.7_3.txz failed dependency check.
firefox-i18n-50.0.txz failed dependency check.
py27-webkitgtk-1.1.8_6.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin-0.4.6_1.txz failed dependency check.
claws-mail-fancy-3.14.1.txz failed dependency check.
claws-mail-pdf_viewer-3.14.1.txz failed dependency check.
thunderbird-i18n-45.4.0.txz failed dependency check.
xfburn-0.5.4_4.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-battery-plugin-1.0.5_4.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-genmon-plugin-3.4.0_5.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-power-manager-1.6.0.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-wavelan-plugin-0.5.12_1.txz failed dependency check.
xfce-4.12_1.txz failed dependency check.
mplayer- failed dependency check.
evince-lite-3.18.2_1.txz failed dependency check.
gpicview-0.2.5.txz failed dependency check.
ristretto-0.8.1.txz failed dependency check.
shotwell-0.24.2.txz failed dependency check.
hexchat-2.12.3.txz failed dependency check.
xarchiver- failed dependency check.
xfce4-dict-plugin-0.7.2.txz failed dependency check.
libreoffice-5.2.3_2.txz failed dependency check.
vim-8.0.0082.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-datetime-plugin-0.6.2_4.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-timer-plugin-1.6.0_1.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-mixer-4.11.0_3.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin-0.2.4.txz failed dependency check.
gnome-keyring-3.18.3_1.txz failed dependency check.
nvidia-settings-355.11_3.txz failed dependency check.
trayer-1.1.6.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin-1.9.4_17.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-screenshooter-plugin-1.8.2_2.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-taskmanager-1.1.0_1.txz failed dependency check.
xfce4-verve-plugin-1.1.0_1.txz failed dependency check.
zenity-3.18.0.txz failed dependency check.
These are the ports that would be built ([N]ew, [R]ebuild, [U]pgrade):
U => security/trousers (0.3.13_1 => 0.3.14)
R => security/gnutls
R => print/cups
R => x11-toolkits/gtk20
R => x11-toolkits/gtk30
R => x11/xfce4-conf
R => x11/libxfce4menu
R => x11-toolkits/libwnck
R => sysutils/garcon
R => x11/libexo
R => x11-wm/xfce4-panel
R => print/ghostscript9-agpl-base
R => net/glib-networking
R => devel/libsoup
R => print/texlive-base
R => print/texlive-texmf
R => net/geoclue
R => devel/gconf2
R => devel/libsoup-gnome
R => print/tex-formats
R => devel/librest
R => www/webkit2-gtk3
R => security/gcr
R => devel/libglade2
R => print/qt5-printsupport
R => print/tex-xmltex
R => sysutils/policykit-gnome
R => net/gnome-online-accounts
R => net/uhttpmock
R => audio/libcanberra
R => devel/libgdata
R => print/tex-jadetex
R => www/webkit-qt5
R => sysutils/gnome-mount
R => multimedia/ffmpeg
R => devel/gvfs
R => devel/qt5-assistant
R => print/tex-dvipsk
R => x11-toolkits/py-gtk2
R => textproc/docbook-utils
R => x11-fm/thunar
R => devel/doxygen
R => devel/qt5-designer
R => www/webkit-gtk2
R => mail/claws-mail
R => x11-toolkits/gtkmm24
R => x11-toolkits/gtksourceview2
R => x11-toolkits/unique
R => x11-toolkits/vte3
R => security/gnupg
R => deskutils/orage
R => deskutils/xfce4-notifyd
R => devel/qt5-linguist
R => print/cups-pk-helper
R => print/libspectre
R => print/py-pycups
R => www/firefox
R => mail/thunderbird
R => sysutils/xfce4-settings
R => net/samba36
R => x11-toolkits/libxfce4gui
R => misc/xfce4-appfinder
R => x11-wm/xfce4-desktop
R => x11-wm/xfce4-session
R => x11-wm/xfce4-wm
R => x11-themes/gtk-xfce-engine
R => editors/mousepad
R => audio/pavucontrol
R => security/pinentry-gnome3
R => x11/keybinder
R => x11/keybinder-gtk3
R => x11/xfce4-terminal
R => deskutils/xfce4-volumed-pulse
R => deskutils/xfce4-xkb-plugin
R => emulators/virtualbox-ose
R => print/cups-filters
R => print/cups-smb-backend
R => print/ghostscript9-agpl-x11
R => print/system-config-printer
R => www/firefox-i18n
R => www/py-webkitgtk
R => www/xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin
R => mail/claws-mail-fancy
R => mail/claws-mail-pdf_viewer
R => mail/thunderbird-i18n
R => sysutils/xfburn
R => sysutils/xfce4-battery-plugin
R => sysutils/xfce4-genmon-plugin
R => sysutils/xfce4-power-manager
R => sysutils/xfce4-wavelan-plugin
R => x11-wm/xfce4
R => multimedia/mplayer
R => graphics/evince-lite
R => graphics/gpicview
R => graphics/ristretto
R => graphics/shotwell
R => irc/hexchat
R => archivers/xarchiver
R => textproc/xfce4-dict-plugin
R => editors/libreoffice
R => editors/vim
R => x11-clocks/xfce4-datetime-plugin
R => x11-clocks/xfce4-timer-plugin
R => audio/xfce4-mixer
R => audio/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin
R => security/gnome-keyring
R => x11/nvidia-settings
R => x11/trayer
R => x11/xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin
R => x11/xfce4-screenshooter-plugin
R => x11/xfce4-taskmanager
R => x11/xfce4-verve-plugin
R => x11/zenity
Total packages that would be built: 113
The complete build list can also be found at:
The question is: what's is triggering all those "failed dependency check" on an otherwise updated system ? Is something wrong in my setup or am I doing something wrong ?
Must be noted that I have no issue, other than some (apparently) wasted time rebuilding those packages.
I have not performed further steps right now, if needed I can provide info about the current state of the things.