Switching from Raspbian OS to FreeBSD

Ok, at least the driver recognizes the card. Realtek has a tendency to modify their chips and not change the chip's identifications though. So the driver "thinks" it's a certain type of chip but in reality it's a slightly different one.

We just need to figure out if that's the case.
Mixed up your threads?

That's encouraging. Does your SSID show up?
yep, all nearby ssids show up including my main router and my extension thats placed in my room. I still think its because its not properly reading my wpa_supplicant file.
Hello, NoahBar, I have posted 2 forum posts at forums.ghostbsd.org about setting up wireless connection manually. You seem close to a working solution. Give the following a read and a test.

https://forums.ghostbsd.org/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=526 Edimax EW-7811un Version 1 that uses a RTL8192cu Realtek chipset.
https://forums.ghostbsd.org/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=570 RTL8188ce PCI Realtek chipset

Use the following lines for testing wpa_supplicant with the Debug and Password debug printout options
killall dhclient
wpa_supplicant -d -K -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
dhclient wlan0

Manually issue the wpa_supplicant with the background Dameon option and dhclient commands
killall dhclient
wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
dhclient wlan0
Your Netgear A6100 USB device is a Realtek RTL8811au chipset that should work with FreeBSD 12.1 or newer release.

See this similar thread about RTL8812au Realtek device. It has other good troubleshooting details.

pkg install hw-probe
hw-probe -all -upload


The device is supported by FreeBSD versions 12.1 and newer: