Here is some information on the Sun Blade 1000. Since I am trying Free, Open, and Net on the machines here, a few pointers for others.
If you're using a non-sun keyboard, you may need to do a quick double tap of keys followed by hitting the escape key. This is only necessary in the OpenBoot prompt.
Open Boot necessary commands.
Diagnostics, you'll need it to find the graphics card.
Install and locations. I don't know how to do a net install from OB.
>setenv output-device /path-to-graphics-card
>setenv output-device screen:rWxHxFrequency
For switching graphics cards and default fb resolution. This is good if you don't have a UPA card.
I'm going to suggest modularly building Xorg from the main site and disabling all extensions- emphasis on dri(2), record, and glx- and modules except what is necessary.