sudo sorry try again

Hi, I have a installation of FreeBSD 8.0 in two servers, this behaving is present in both of them: I installed and tried with sudo- and sudo-1.7.2p5

in the sudoers file if I add this line it works:

But I would really to keep it password protected so I am trying this instead:
my_user    ALL=(ALL) PASSWD: ALL

All that I got is: Sorry Try Again output.
I also get this message: 1 incorrect password attempt

Any help will be appreciated

thanks in advance!
correct that to
my_user ALL=(ALL) ALL
and "all" will be well

(which is a good lesson on the benefits of leaving the examples commented out in your sudoers file and making entirely new entries when editing)
Re-check /usr/local/etc/sudoers for syntax errors.

When you type sudo followed by the desired command are you typing the my_user password? Remember that's my_user password that you must type and not root's.
tangram said:
Re-check /usr/local/etc/sudoers for syntax errors.

When you type sudo followed by the desired command are you typing the my_user password? Remember that's my_user password that you must type and not root's.

Or you could use visudo which does this for you automatically ;)...