"su -" sorry on xterm/konsole etc.

I just installed FreeBSD 14 on another machine from scratch. I didn't think I activated the hardened X shell mode which deactivates logging in as root using a terminal emulator on X, but maybe I did. I can still access root using the tty consoles or whatever they are called, the CTRL+ALT+F1 screen 😁

I was under the impression the installer put some commands into something like /etc/rc.conf but nothing out of the ordinary in there.

How do I re-enable this so I can become ultimate hax0r?
Your user account needs to be a member of the wheel group, if you're not a member of the wheel group you aren't allowed to su(1) to root. This has nothing to with the hardening settings, it's been this way since forever on FreeBSD.

PAM  is	used  to set the policy	su(1) will use.	 In particular,	by de-
fault only users	in the "wheel" group can switch	 to  UID  0  ("root").

How do you add your user to wheel I hear you ask? # pw group mod wheel -m <user>

I was under the impression the installer put some commands into something like /etc/rc.conf but nothing out of the ordinary in there.
A lot (not all) of those settings are sysctl(8) and are set in /etc/sysctl.conf.