Strange graphics issue when loading Compiz

For the longest time I was using Compiz with Gnome, and having Gnome run the following script on startup:

#! /bin/sh
compiz --replace --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints ccp &
emerald --replace &

I'm trying to run Compiz without Gnome and using /usr/local/bin/compiz-manager script to start Compiz.

Compiz loads, but there's quite a few graphical errors (screen not refreshing completely, wallpaper loading in strange colours, etc).

Any idea how I troubleshoot this?


The problem occurs when loading the compiz-manager script, regardless if Gnome is started or not. The problem is clearly with the script.

Edit 2:

Well I fixed the part of the problem where it seemed like the screen wasn't refreshing by enabling the "Workarounds" plugin.

I still don't know why the colours on the wallpaper are all messed up.