ssh chroot issue

Hello all.

I have little luck in setting up a restricted ssh server for ssh tunnels on FreeBSD 10
On my FreeBSD 8 server it all works well and on my FreeBSD 10 server I did use the same steps.
I use the following setup.

I create a group allowtunnel, then I add users to this group.
In my /etc/ssh/sshd_config file I add the following.
Match Group allowtunnel
  AllowTcpForwarding yes
  AllowAgentForwarding yes
  X11Forwarding yes
  ChrootDirectory /usr/home/restricted/%u
I create the directory restricted mkdir /usr/home/restricted then I do a chown root:wheel /usr/home/restricted
I also set the proper permissions.
chmod 755 /usr/home/restricted (if I change this I can not login at all)
I create a user and with vipw(8) it shows as follows.
testuser:PASS-EDITED:1005:1006::0:0:User &:/usr/home/restricted/testuser:/bin/sh
I make sure that root owns the home folder.
chown root /usr/home/restricted/testuser
I create a /bin folder in the newly created home folder.
mkdir /usr/home/restricted/testuser/bin
then copy /rescue/sh to the bin dir
cp /resque/sh /usr/home/restricted/testuser/bin
I then do a cmod -R 755 /usr/home/restricted/testuser to be sure folder permissions are OK.

This works great under FreeBSD 8

If I try this on my FreeBSD 10 machine it does work partially.
If I login on my FreeBSD 10 machine I see the following
login as: testuser
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Password for testuser@backup01.mydomain.lan:
Last login: Wed Apr 15 20:29:06 2015 from
Could not chdir to home directory /usr/home/restricted/testuser: No such file or directory
Cannot read termcap database;
using dumb terminal settings.
So I do get the shell and the user is restricted. But I can not get rid off the error!
The error that is not on my FreeBSD 8 machine
Is there something I miss?

No if you use a chrooted setup, the owner must be root.
If I change it to testuser then sshd errors out with the following error.
Apr 15 17:03:57 backup01 sshd[47602]: fatal: bad ownership or modes for chroot directory "/usr/home/restricted/testuser"
And I will not get a shell.
