squid3 qos?

squid qos_flows?


Guys, have FreeBSD PF support for squid's qos_flows? Honestly, I still don't understand how to use them, what I understand is that they are related to the fw firewall of your OS etc. But don't know if this works under PF?
It is not listed as an option for www/squid33 on FreeBSD:
root:/usr/ports/www/squid33# make showconfig
===> The following configuration options are available for squid33-3.3.11:
     ARP_ACL=off: Enable ARP/MAC/EUI based authentification
     AUTH_KERB=on: Install Kerberos authentication helpers
     AUTH_LDAP=off: Install LDAP authentication helpers
     AUTH_NIS=on: Install NIS/YP authentication helpers
     AUTH_SASL=off: Install SASL authentication helpers
     AUTH_SMB=off: Install SMB auth. helpers (req. Samba)
     AUTH_SQL=off: Install SQL based auth (uses MySQL)
     CACHE_DIGESTS=off: Use cache digests
     DEBUG=off: Build with extended debugging support
     DELAY_POOLS=off: Enable delay pools (bandwidth limiting)
     DNS_HELPER=off: Use external dnsserver processes for DNS
     DOCS=off: Build and/or install documentation
     ECAP=off: Enable loadable content adaptation modules
     ESI=off: Enable support for ESI
     EXAMPLES=on: Build and/or install examples
     FOLLOW_XFF=off: Enable support for the X-Following-For header
     FS_AUFS=on: Enable AUFS (async-io) support
     FS_COSS=off: Enable COSS (not stable yet)
     HTCP=on: Enable HTCP support
     ICAP=off: Enable the ICAP client
     ICMP=off: Enable ICMP pinging and network measurement
     IDENT=on: Enable Ident lookups (RFC 931)
     IPV6=on: IPv6 protocol support
     KQUEUE=on: Enable kqueue(2) support
     LARGEFILE=off: Support large (>2GB) cache and log files
     SNMP=on: Enable SNMP support
     SSL=off: Enable SSL gatewaying support
     SSL_CRTD=off: Use ssl_crtd to handle SSL cert requests
     STACKTRACES=off: Enable automatic backtraces on fatal errors
     STRICT_HTTP=off: Make Squid strictly HTTP compliant
     TP_IPF=off: Enable transparent proxying with IPFilter
     TP_IPFW=off: Enable transparent proxying with IPFW
     TP_PF=off: Enable transparent proxying with PF
     VIA_DB=off: Enable Forward/Via database
     WCCP=on: Enable Web Cache Coordination Protocol
     WCCPV2=on: Enable Web Cache Coordination Protocol v2
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings