Squid with multiple workers


My squid stops responding after I changed my www/squid33 configuration to support multiple workers. I can see 9 www/squid33 processes running from top but it wont accept any request unlike if I use one worker only. Anyone having the same issue or who knows how to solve the problem?

Got this from cache.log:
2014/10/17 17:10:00 kid3| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 9 to [::]: (13) Permission denied

Thanks in advance.
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I found the solution by setting /var/run/squid ownership to squid:squid but I am facing a different issue now. I am getting a timeout problem:
"FATAL: kid1 registration timed out"
"FATAL: kid2 registration timed out"
"FATAL: kid3 registration timed out"
"FATAL: kid4 registration timed out"
I found the solution by setting /var/run/squid ownership to squid:squid but I am facing a different issue now. I am getting a timeout problem:
"FATAL: kid1 registration timed out"
"FATAL: kid2 registration timed out"
"FATAL: kid3 registration timed out"
"FATAL: kid4 registration timed out"
Answer is, as usual, very simple -- read the manual. :)

According to http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/SmpScale, you should set the following two sysctls:


This is written in the very end of the page, look there.
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