Sometimes squid won't start after server restart


I have squid Version 2.7.STABLE6 installed from ports on my freeBSD 7.0:
 # uname -a
FreeBSD bsd.dom 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #0: Sun Feb 24 19:59:52 UTC 2008  i386
Sometimes squid won't start after machine restart and I don't know why.
I have already this line in /etc/rc.conf
Howto solve this problem?
Not even in the cache.log file? Squid usually fails to start for only two reasons: 1) the cache dir is dirty and can't be cleaned, or 2) the can't be overwritten.

Usually cache.log complains about this quite loudly, and you may even catch Squid continually restarting itself.
Try adding rcshutdown_timeout="90" to /etc/rc.conf

I had the same issue after a reboot with squid. The above line will allow a service more time to shutdown correctly.
Note that 'auto-starting' Squid will not work when a background-fsck is running, because Squid will not start on a 'dirty' filesystem. I always turn off background-fsck on Squid servers. I'd rather wait a few minutes for it to finish and then have Squid start automatically.