Solved [Solved] vim installed using pkgng doesn't have GUI

Is there any way for me to use the package - I thought it would have been desirable to have the GUI, or at least a separate package for one built with the GUI (i.e. vim-lite has no GUI, vim does).

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the information, I was trying to maintain my bsd FreeBSD desktop using packages only. This would have been a nice addition.
File a PR about it. There are obviously some teething problems with the new package building system and not everything that was intended to be built ended up in the repositories.
kpa said:
File a PR about it. There are obviously some teething problems with the new package building system and not everything that was intended to be built ended up in the repositories.

PR with patch filed almost one month ago, but the maintainer has no time to respond.
Is the package missing for you or is the problem that the GUI options are disabled in the package? There's a quite bad brain damage with the editors/vim port, it requires WITH_VIM_OPTIONS to be set before you can even set any options for the port. This is unlike on any other port and I've been wondering for a long time why it's that way...
The new .txz package (5.3 MB) is pretty much the same as the old .tbz one (7 MB). Note that both are at version "7.3.1314". The difference in size is only due to the different compression algorithms used. The archive contents are virtually identical and the binaries inside are exactly the same size (1.8 MB for bin/vim). The bin/gvim symlink is even included. It's just the graphic interface support that is not enabled.

Another weird thing is that the official port/package collection page only shows vim-lite while FreshPorts only shows vim. If my memory serves me well, both pages used to have vim and vim-lite.
Re: vim installed using pkgng doesn't have GUI

Now, if there would be a vim-xlite port that is editors/vim-lite with X11 support (and nothing else) added, I wouldn't have to do it myself anymore :)
Re: vim installed using pkgng doesn't have GUI

Ah. For some reason I thought someone mentioned vimx earlier.
Re: vim installed using pkgng doesn't have GUI

A new version is available in pkg, but unfortunately the same scenario.
[xxx@yyy][21:51:37]$ vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Dec  5 2013 01:13:36)
Included patches: 1-110
Compiled by root@91amd64-default-job-20
Re: vim installed using pkgng doesn't have GUI

The vim-7.4.110_1 package, which is now available in the repositories, includes a working gvim! :)
Re: vim installed using pkgng doesn't have GUI

Thanks for letting us know, but to clarify this is only for version 8, not 9. I await the packages being created.