Solved [Solved] Two questions about creating a new port

I'm working on a new port. It's pretty much done - including staging, whee! - but I've got two questions:
  1. What is the right way of adding a (custom) post-install message? Edit: found it - pkg-message
  2. This port will only make sense for FreeBSD 10 and above. How can I check for that?
Thanks in advance.

OSVERSION is actually __FreeBSD_version macro. As far as I know, fortune was removed in the 10-BETA4 and this version was released on the 3 Dec 2013. So, we should look at this table and find the correspondig value. But this table is a bit out of dated. So, we should look at the /usr/include/sys/param.h and according to this file, the current version number is: 1000502.