Solved [Solved] ls -G directory blue unreadable on dark background

I am having a little trouble with the output of ls -G, especially with the dark blue of directories on a black background.
Its hardly readable, at least for me.
How can i change the blue to a lighter blue?
I realize that I can change $LSCOLORS, but I don't want to assign a new color, but simply change the dark blue to a lighter blue.
Re: ls -G directory blue unreadable on dark background


use the following script to get an overview of the system colors you use at the moment:

printf "             "
for b in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do printf "   4${b}m  "; done
for f in "" 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37; do
  for s in "  " "1;"; do
    printf "%4sm" "${s}${f}"
    printf "   \033[%sm%s\033[0m  " "$s$f" "gYw"
    for b in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
      printf "   \033[4%s;%sm%s\033[0m  " $b $s$f "gYw"

(Put it in a file and make it executable via chmod +x file and run it via #./file)

If you find that the brighter version of blue your system has is o.k. against the black background, then use that.
In rxvt-unicode f.e. you can do that using URxvt.intensityStyles: true.
If the above does not please you, you have to change your system colors.

(Edit: changed lighter to brighter)
Re: ls -G directory blue unreadable on dark background

If you use PuTTY you can change the exact color, you can even change it to a completely different color (although that would be confusing as the ANSI color would still be "blue").

In the PuTTY settings go to Window -> Colours. In the table below find "ANSI Blue" and click on modify. Move the slider at the right to a more lighter color.
Re: ls -G directory blue unreadable on dark background

I am using gnome-terminal.
Changing the colors in the terminal itself would mess up colors from Linux machines as well, wouldn't it?
Anyhow, i set $LSCOLORS to "Ex...." instead of "ex.....", which is "bold blue" and works well, just in case anyone else runs into this problem and finds that thread.
I set the variable in /etc/csh.cshrc, I hope that's the proper location? I could not find where the default dircolors/lscolors are set.

Re: ls -G directory blue unreadable on dark background

If you use PuTTY you can change the exact color, you can even change it to a completely different color (although that would be confusing as the ANSI color would still be "blue").

In the PuTTY settings go to Window -> Colours. In the table below find "ANSI Blue" and click on modify. Move the slider at the right to a more lighter color.
Reflects well in TUI file-managers as well but only using Putty (need to save for every session) but it's fine. Thank you.