Solved [Solved] Cannot get rid of whole ro-mounted system.

I made a big mistake by copying complete /etc from an (wrong) USB-Stick to an i386 system, which is a veteran with no CDROM and no boot from USB. So the problem is that I cannot boot from an installation media, and its hard disk cannot be connected to other systems here (ATA on PCI-Adapter).
Now my old veteran converted in a read-only mounted system, which welcomes after startup with the FreeBSD Installer.
# mount
/dev/ufs/FreeBSD_Install on / (ufs, local, noatime, read-only)
I cannot come around the read-only mount to get any salvage done, at least I do not know how. :(
Re: Cannot get rid of whole ro-mounted system.

Do gpart show and mount work? If not, you may have to find another system or a hard drive to boot from temporarily.
Re: Cannot get rid of whole ro-mounted system.

Seems a very strange setup. So your actual hard drive has a UFS label of FreeBSD_Install, same as you usually see on the (normally read only) installation CD? If that output above is from getting to single user mode, the usual way to get write access is to just change the write status of the mounted filesystem: mount -uw /.
Re: Cannot get rid of whole ro-mounted system.

The culprit were /etc/fstab and /etc/rc.local.
I did mount the root file system rw on /mnt and edited it there. Done.