I scarcely know where to begin. I've gone pretty much with no sleep for days trying to get this to work that I'm not sure of half the things I have tried to fix it nor exactly how to describe it. I'll try my best. Thanks for your patience. I don't have a masters degree in computer science so I know I am in way over my head playing with this in the first place, hopefully somebody that does have one can make some sense of it all.
I have a Dell Latitude D620 I am trying to make use of. After many hours of head pounding and searching out videos on youtube, I have managed to get a gui. I have slim login and mate desktop up and running. Problem is that I don't have a proper resolution. My video card is Nvidia. Quadro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300. It is supposed to have a video resolution of 1280x800. I have 1024x768. I have the fatal error of Failed to get the size of gamma for output default. Monitor says default connected. I need the nvidia driver. There are literally hundreds of them. A few needed linux stuff installed it said. I tried that and ended up needing a linuxulator. Couldn't find that. I don't want to spend the rest of my life going in circles to make this work. If nobody can come up with some way to fix it, then this machine will find it's way to a dumpster very quickly. I've spent over a week trying to get linux or freebsd working right on this thing and I'm about done in. I realize that I am not really smart enough to ever figure this out on my own so I am hoping somebody out there can come up with a quick fix to install a driver. I am pretty sure I installed the 32 bit version so the 64 bit drivers won't work. I'm not sure where to check for what I have either. I downloaded the memory stick img file if that helps. Sorry if I don't have everything in the right places with the right names. I'm not very smart and get things backwards a lot so thanks in advance for your patience.
I have a Dell Latitude D620 I am trying to make use of. After many hours of head pounding and searching out videos on youtube, I have managed to get a gui. I have slim login and mate desktop up and running. Problem is that I don't have a proper resolution. My video card is Nvidia. Quadro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300. It is supposed to have a video resolution of 1280x800. I have 1024x768. I have the fatal error of Failed to get the size of gamma for output default. Monitor says default connected. I need the nvidia driver. There are literally hundreds of them. A few needed linux stuff installed it said. I tried that and ended up needing a linuxulator. Couldn't find that. I don't want to spend the rest of my life going in circles to make this work. If nobody can come up with some way to fix it, then this machine will find it's way to a dumpster very quickly. I've spent over a week trying to get linux or freebsd working right on this thing and I'm about done in. I realize that I am not really smart enough to ever figure this out on my own so I am hoping somebody out there can come up with a quick fix to install a driver. I am pretty sure I installed the 32 bit version so the 64 bit drivers won't work. I'm not sure where to check for what I have either. I downloaded the memory stick img file if that helps. Sorry if I don't have everything in the right places with the right names. I'm not very smart and get things backwards a lot so thanks in advance for your patience.