jails sngrep doesn't work in jail

Installed Freeswitch in Jail but can't use sngrep:

> sudo sngrep
Couldn't activate capture: (there are no BPF devices)

Any one installed fs in Jail before? Thanks.
Have you unhide the bpf device in the devfs.rules of your jail?
Thanks for the pointer. I added on the host /etc/devfs.rules which doesn't exist yet. Added:

add include $devfsrules_hide_all
add include $devfsrules_unhide_basic
add include $devfsrules_unhide_login
add path fuse unhide
add path zfs unhide
add path 'bpf*' unhide

And change the following line in the jail's conf to:
export jail_fusion_devfs_ruleset="devfsrules_fusion"

Then restart the jail but no effect. What's missing here?
With ezjail you must specify a numeric value. Be aware that 10 is often the system value. You'd better assign a higher value like 20 or 100.

Verify what you get with ezjail-admin console fusion and then ls /dev.