sh - interactive keyboard input - escape/function keys

This script reads a character from the keyboard using dd:

stty -echo cbreak # turn off keyboard echoing and newline termination of all input

echo "tty is: $(tty). waiting on keyboard input..."
CHAR_1=$(dd if=$(tty) bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null ) # read first byte
CHAR_1_VAL=$(printf "%d" "'$CHAR_1'")

if [ $CHAR_1_VAL != 27 ]
  printf "standard key detected, value: $CHAR_1_VAL\n"
  printf "escape detected, reading possible next byte...\n"
  CHAR_2=$(dd if=$(tty) bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null )  # keeps hanging on single escape
  CHAR_2_VAL=$(printf "%d" "'$CHAR_2'")             # and waits for another byte to read
  printf "char 2 value was: $CHAR_2_VAL\n"

stty echo -cbreak

All common keys are detected properly, as well as the first byte of any escape sequence sent by a function key.
A small problem is the dd command. When the real escape key is pressed, dd keeps waiting on input of a possible sequence.
I need something like a timeout function to separate the input of a single escape and an escape sequence. Bash's read command has a -t option for it, and the C ncurses lib has the halfdelay/cbreak functions, but how is this possible in sh?
Is it possible to determine how many unread bytes are present in the keyboard buffer without actually reading them at the same time?