Setting up Common Desktop Environment for modern use

Weird. I tried this on another machine and running dtlogin like this is preventing other daemons from starting.
I've got this issue on my machine. It's like as soon as it runs dtlogin it stops executing the startup scripts - even sshd wasn't running. I tried it with an & after it but then it says "The X-server can not be started on display :0..." when it finishes booting.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
Okay, so removing "/usr/local/dt/bin/dtlogin" from /etc/rc.local and adding "dtlogin_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf fixed the issue.

I've realised that this guide is missing a few steps that probably weren't necessary when it was written. If you want to try this out then make sure you also follow the steps in the pkg-message.
Okay, so removing "/usr/local/dt/bin/dtlogin" from /etc/rc.local and adding "dtlogin_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf fixed the issue.
Running dtlogin (or startx) from /etc/rc.local causes a race condition between what starts first; the X11 session or tty login. If the tty login starts *after*, it steals input so keyboard doesn't work, and it is fairly difficult to even exit X11.

Not quite what you seemed to experience but another reason why /etc/rc.local should be avoided for autostarting X.
The fonts from the standard CDE might seem outdated.

I do this in my installation to get a more neutral fixed font across the UI.
I would like to know if anyone has found a better solution.

I change the fonts with this small script:

# cd /usr/local/dt/etc/cde/fontaliases/
# cp fonts.alias fonts.alias.original.28sep2024
# ./

The script is as follows:


# Input file path
# Output file path (same file if you want to overwrite)

# Font to replace with

# Using sed to replace the second font in each line
sed -E "s/(\"[^\"]*\") (\"[^\"]*\")/\1 \"$new_font\"/" "$input_file" > "$output_file.tmp"

# Replace the original file with the modified one
mv "$output_file.tmp" "$output_file"

fonts.alias will be replaced on each upgrade of the cde package.


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