Samba 4 porting/Porting for FreeBSD...

Hi there,

I'm really curious if there is/or will be any progress on the samba 4 port? It seems that the latest FreeBSD port is (samba4-devel-4.0.0.a11_2) which is derived from alpha 11. However the current release is alpha 19 and a lot of things have changed since (especially in regards to openchange release BORG). Does anyone know if the port is still being maintained? Thanks!

By the way: I've noticed with redports / that a lot of things are not getting ported to FreeBSD anymore. What's the deal with that? I'm a little worried.


I'm guessing things got put on hold because of 8.3-RELEASE. During a release the ports tree is frozen. Updates should be coming in again but there might be a small backlog.

I doubt that. I'm not addressing a couple of days/weeks during a port freeze but talking about almost a year of non-progress in regards to samba4 and many other ports. I have the impression that contributors/Interest-in-FreeBSD might be the real issue here. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


You could always directly contact the maintainer of those ports and ask them if they have any plans for an update ;)