root message on login

Hello, weird things are happening in my box :D

I shutdown my system and when I log in back if I open another shell (csh) and login as root (or as a user and then su to root), in my tty0 terminal I get:

date freebsd login: ROOT ACCESS etc etc

I didn't get any message like this before and I haven't modified nothing.

What's happening?!

Thanks in advance.
Please post the exact messages.

System messages are shown on ttyv0. When you log in as root, that generates a message. If you post the exact message, we can verify this.

1. Don't log in as root routinely. Log in as a normal user and use su - when root privileges are needed.

2. If you must log in as root (see #1), use ttyv1 or one of the higher virtual TTYs so the messages don't interfere.