RIAA Takes Down Popular Open Source YouTube-DL Software

Next, we will get mail from SCO... it is halloween, after all. This is sad news.
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Looking forward to see FreeBSD, completely and exclusively lands on GitHub. Then we're going to face a fantastic situation.

An imaginary situation:
  1. Latest news: Friedman was triggered on the twitter, sponsors doesn't approve, Microsoft went woke, THEN =>
  2. Next step: GitHub doesn't approve these users, those IPs, bunch of countries, etc. THEN =>
  3. Block them!
  4. Too bad, no FreeBSD source for them, who cares.
  5. FreeBSD Foundation response: We're very sorry, but we have to comply with the GitHub guidelines, but there's good news:
  6. What's the good news? We're moving forward to replace jail with ducker.
  7. Why? Everybody does.
Looking forward to see FreeBSD, completely and exclusively lands on GitHub. Then we're going to face a fantastic situation. For example: ...

Is FreeBSD planning to move to GitHub exclusively or just move to using the Git source code control software on private FreeBSD.org (non GitHub/GitLab) servers?
Do we need a decentralized method for hosting code that wont be affected by dcma takedowns,
would be interesting if something like bittorrent could be used utilized
Problem: github is central, and has to dance to that tune. They have to leave github. If they can.

Oh, and RIAA? You have met Mrs Steisand? No? Let me introduce you...
Searching "Github has removed" "Microsoft"
brings interesting results and shows why Microsoft made this strategic investment:

On June 4, 2018, Microsoft announced its intent to acquire GitHub for US$ 7.5 billion. The deal closed on October 26, 2018.
Oh, and RIAA? You have met Mrs Steisand? No? Let me introduce you...
Exactly. I'd never heard of this project until now. I found at least two places to download the code on Reddit:

Git is a distributed version control system. Anyone that has a clone of the Github repo has all the history and other metadata, and can potentially host it.

And? I don't see anybody complaining about a GPL-licensed grep in base, for example.
There's work underway to remove GNU grep:
...FreeBSD is very close to provide a base system with only permissive licenses (mostly BSD). The only few components left (for tier 1), progress can be followed here: https://wiki.freebsd.org/GPLinBase...
So for now really the left components are:
- GNU grep (BSD grep is still too buggy but already imported)
So everyone agree with RIAA, Google and Microsoft that YouTube-DL users are criminals?

Certainly not. Sadly even in countries where usage is fine (circumventing protection or not) distributing youtube-dl might be a bit more problematic than i originally thought. On the bright side the district court of hamburg is just one of many regional courts and given the fact that youtubes videos play using standard codecs their ruling of Youtubes "rolling cipher" being an effective copy protection might not be last word on this matter. Otherwise there is always places like tonga ;)
So everyone agree with RIAA, Google and Microsoft that YouTube-DL users are criminals?
No. I believe that a future version of THGTTG will refer to the RIAA as ... you know where this goes, yes?
ekvz the district court of Hamburg, you had to drive that clown car in here?

Hey don't blame me. It's the RIAA who brought them up ;)

On a more serious note: I really hope the developers are going to challenge this. I bet if they started to take donations they'd have a massive legal fund in no time.
I am not surprised by this at all and reluctantly have to agree with the takedown. I've been in the entertainment industry for decades and a lot of effort is put into getting permissions, paying the creatives and giving credit. A lot of this is hard work by those creatives and they only want to protect their product and get paid for their labor. It's not all free.
This does not affect www/ytdl since it relies upon a different repo that has not been taken down.
www/annie relies on Go's module system to fetch and build the same repo, so it is also unaffected.

There are other implementations, so taking down youtube-dl and all of its forks should not matter too much.
Of course, no due process. For those who live in other countries, the RIAA and others regularly legally bribe politicians (it's called lobbying and it is legal) to get laws passed that should not be. They can claim anything is theirs and get it taken down and it usually costs lots of money and time, that the average person doesn't have to get it back up. And this isn't even the GOP only. A few days after his election, Obama put RIAA people on the justice department, and I sadly shook my head and thought, welp, little better than the others, still a rich man's tool.
They have the politicians and I doubt it will change, as they can easily buy politicians with money, drug, and sex.
A lot of this is hard work by those creatives and they only want to protect their product and get paid for their labor.

Do they? From what i've seen at least with musicians it seems the artists themselves more often than not couldn't care less what happens to their main product and unsurprisingly so. In the age of streaming services (especially YT) selling music isn't all that lucrative anyways for the average musician. I guess it was somewhat different when CDs still sold in large volume but even back then usually more money would end up with the labels than with the actual artists. In any case it seems these days making money is mostly about merchandise and touring. The main product is secondary to their bottom line. Kind of a promotional item if you want and the more it spreads the better.

Of course, no due process. For those who live in other countries, the RIAA and others regularly legally bribe politicians (it's called lobbying and it is legal) to get laws passed that should not be.

It's not much different in other countries. Just the lobby organizations have different names. What annoys me the most is how those organizations act as if they would represent every single artist there is while that simply isn't true. There is a lot of artists who do just fine without affiliating with these groups.