Request Sticky for Userland Programming & Scripting

There is always some of the same questions which come up about beginning shell scripting. Some of the common pitfalls and anti-pattern are novice users coming from linux uxed to bash being a default install as well as an uninformed location based on linux's bazaar style heir.

I would like to request the creation of a sticky with common POSIX shell information as well as an explanation to what the alquist shell is and why it's not the bourne again version. There is a link in the FreeBSD FAQ about this and it may be appropriate to simply link back to it.

By having the sticky we can save time on relinking common resources and man pages simply by letting the new users know that they should read the sticky first before asking any questions so we can get on with edge cases and helping new users as they begin to explore the shell and further their experience with the automata of the environment.