Solved Removal of .org.chromium.Chromium.****

Is there any way to automatically remove all the .org.chromium.Chromium.***** files that appear in /tmp.

Not really sure why they appear and presumably www/chromium normally deletes when you exit the program, but I often either logout or reboot out of LXDE so maybe these files just get left...
I use chromium daily and never had these files, so not sure under which circumstances they are written at all. But /tmp is meant for scratch anyways. Just add clear_tmp_enable="YES" to your /etc/rc.conf to entirely wipe it on every boot. Or use tmpfs for /tmp.
It could be related to some Electron-based programs. Generally they should get deleted after terminating the program.
It suggests (*) that there's some bugs in at least one of the programs, most likely a Electron-based one. Find it and PR it!
(*) That's not necessarily true though.
Uhm, even Xorg leaves cruft in /tmp – it is expected to be cleaned out regularly, so leaving files there isn't necessarily considered a bug. Btw I just noticed I do have ONE of these chromium-related files, overlooked it earlier.

If you're not very short on RAM, IMHO tmpfs is the best solution, just use sth like this in /etc/fstab:
tmpfs            /tmp        tmpfs    rw,mode=01777    0    0
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Although it's not mandatory -- it's default to available memory, I tend to restrict the tmpfs(5) with size option. e.g.
tmpfs    /tmp    tmpfs    rw,mode=01777,size=8589934592    0    0
Zirias: I'm not sure it's a good practice (size) or not. Any comment?
I've never run into a situation where I needed that, but it probably doesn't hurt to limit the size either. Might remember this IF I'm running into heavy swapping because of /tmp.

For readability, I'd use a suffix like size=8g.
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    /tmp/       temporary files that are not guaranteed to persist across
                system reboots


    /var/       multi-purpose log, temporary, transient, and spool files


                tmp/       temporary files that are kept between system
I guess if I want to unpack archives temporarily for use over several days, I should use /var/tmp and then use tmpfs() for managing /tmp...