Reduce bandwidth for a specific user


I'm working with FreeBSD 7.0

I'd like to reduce the user's bandwidth if the user uses too many bandwidth.

Is this possible?

Thank you
Is the user logged in on the same machine that controls the bandwidth?

yes) ipfw()+altq() can do this (as far as I understand the ipfw-manpage).
no) Make sure that the user gets a fixed IP and control it with your favorite packet filter and altq().
PF and ALTQ can also do that based on local users and/or groups, and/or 'remote' IP address.

I’m sorry but I don’t understand yours answers.

In fact I'd like to reduce the user's bandwidth if the user uses too many bandwidth.

For example an user (IP1) uses SFTP to a server (IP2). But this user uses too many bandwidth… So this user penalizes other users.

Is it possible to change dynamically the queue it uses?

Thank you.