redirect web traffic from one ip to another


I'm trying to figure out how to redirect web traffic from one IP to another, now I've tried natd and ipnat w/out any luck((


root@fx:~ # cat /etc/ipnat.rules 
rdr bce0 AA.BB.CC.DD/32 port 80 -> DD.CC.BB.AA/32 port 80 tcp
root@fx:~ #


root@fx:~ # cat /etc/natd.conf 
redirect_port tcp DD.CC.BB.AA:80 AA.BB.CC.DD:80
root@fx:~ #

Any ideas what am I doing wrong?
Let's make sure I understand your original post correctly. You want incoming HTTP requests to be redirected to a separate machine inside the LAN, right? For PF:
rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $external_addr port 80 -> $webserver
To complete the above post, you will have to add a pass rule for the webserver. Something like:
pass from any to $webserver port 80 keep state
If you don't, there will be some chances that the rdr will work but the server will forbid the $webserver from accepting the files.

//@kpa didn't know that. Thank you :)
hac3ru said:
To complete the above post, you will have to add a pass rule for the webserver. Something like:
pass from any to $webserver port 80 keep state
If you don't, there will be some chances that the rdr will work but the server will forbid the $webserver from accepting the files.

You can leave out the keep state from the rules, it is the default in PF if not specified.