Hi there,
This may be a bit of a long-shot, but here goes. Are there any tools to recover a software RAID6 disk-set?
I had 3 disk failures in my raid array, one parity disk is now physically missing. All others I have at my disposal.
Just wondering what the chances are that I would be able to pull anything off the disks and, it's actually a NetApp raid array so are these completely proprietory or would open source tools be able to decipher the raid set?
This may be a bit of a long-shot, but here goes. Are there any tools to recover a software RAID6 disk-set?
I had 3 disk failures in my raid array, one parity disk is now physically missing. All others I have at my disposal.
Just wondering what the chances are that I would be able to pull anything off the disks and, it's actually a NetApp raid array so are these completely proprietory or would open source tools be able to decipher the raid set?