Recommedations for very small terminal based file manager

ls and pwd has always worked for me :) Yes a bit of a smart aleck there, simply because I've tried and can't use a "file manager". The closest I've come was the the way the original MacIntosh worked.
ls and pwd has always worked for me :) Yes a bit of a smart aleck there, simply because I've tried and can't use a "file manager". The closest I've come was the the way the original MacIntosh worked.
I've been addicted to misc/mc for years and am hopeless without it, but what I'm looking for is some standalone program I can run from a network drive, without having to install it. misc/ytree seems to work, although I would prefer to be able to run unixtree, but I'm unable to build it.
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I am using FDclone(shells/fd).
It may not be so small in size, but it works /usr/local/bin/fd stand-alone.

$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/fd
-rwxr-xr-x  2 root wheel 787640 Nov 19 10:51 /usr/local/bin/fd

$ ldd /usr/local/bin/fd
/usr/local/bin/fd: => /lib/ (0x1a2cd8544000) => /lib/ (0x1a2cd93e3000)
        [vdso] (0x1a2cd7cf4000)
Edit: Without /usr/local/bin/fd-cat.C, the message will not be displayed.
Edit:If you build by adding #define _NOCATALOG 1 to config.hin, fd-cat.C is not necessary.
which is a self contained binary?
Static compile the port Ytree.
