OK! Well, that must be the problem, then. I'd have not thought of that without your help. Yes, I am trying to use the HDMI console. Actually, I was hoping to boot it completely headless, and do everything via SSH. Maybe I'll just unplug the HDMI and keyboard and mouse and see what happens with Ethernet only. You see, I only have ONE USB/RS-232 adapter.... So if I plug that into the PI, then I don't have an RS-232 capable laptop anymore... So, maybe I'll have to go out and buy a second USB/RS-232 adapter - which seems a little silly: Pi3 <-> USB <-> RS-232 splicer <-> USB <-> laptop.... And I still don't understand why Windows doesn't see the FAT32 boot partition... Mystery upon mystery... But THANK YOU for this help! I really appreciate it.
I was able to make RPi3 from RaspBSD operational without a serial console. It's like shooting birds at night, but I had some success:
- Boot it with Ethernet connected.
- Go to your DHCP server and see what IP your RPi negotiated. If your dynamic DNS registration works you should be able to "ping rpi3". "rpi3" is the default hostname. Remember to flush your local DNS cache if necessary.
- SSH to raspberry@rpi3 or raspberry@<ip address>
- sudo root
- Configure static IP, etc. and reboot ...
I am using USB-to-serial cable like this: https://www.adafruit.com/products/954 (got mine from China web store for less than $5 - but waited for it to arrive more than a month)
Instructions are here: http://elinux.org/RPi_Serial_Connection