Question regarding Area 51

Good day!

Does anybody know how long it takes for an SVN commit in Area 51 to actually be integrated into the ports tree?

For instance I can see that Otter alpha 3 has been committed 8 days ago, but the ports tree still shows alpha 2. The update is very simple (version bump and addition of devel/qt5-script as a dependency) so I was wondering why changes are not approved faster in cases such as this?

I'm not trying to rush things up but very soon this commit will be outdated as a fourth alpha gets released upstream early next month.

Thanks for any info.
Just to avoid any confusion, the Area 51 repository isn't an official repository. It's maintained by the FreeBSD-KDE developers, not by the FreeBSD ports manager. Questions regarding Area 51 are probably best asked on the freebsd-kde@ mailing list.
Thanks. I know the Area 51 is not an official repository. It's even hosted by the PC-BSD Project.
But regardless of that I still find the process quite slow for something that doesn't really require much testing as an update from one alpha version to another. Let's just wait then...