Python (and php etc.) default version

We use poudriere to build packages for 80+ VM's.
Currently we set the default versions for python, php, postgresql, mysql and bdb explicitely.
Our default python version in poudriere is 3.9.

We did this originally for python and php because there was some problem during an upgrade one time, I don't
remember if it was a library that didn't support the new default or something. This was probably before most packages
where flavored, so it required a new port for each version.

My question to you that have a poudriere server, building repos for lots of hosts: Do you just roll with the upstream default versions? Do you do automatic package upgrades and have you had problems?

I'm looking at having to upgrade the default version for python to 3.11 (and php to 8.3 soon) and I'm not certain what will be the path of least disruption. I'm thinking maybe we just roll with upstream default and take the fallout if and when it happens
Do you just roll with the upstream default versions?
For my home lab servers I'm typically a little ahead of the 'official' defaults, I'll have a better idea of what to expect. For a client I have some specific requirements and updating them to a newer version requires some careful testing beforehand. During the transition period I just create two repositories, one based on the 'old' version and one based on the 'new' version. That allows me to test everything and can easily switch back and forth just by changing the repository setting on a particular server.