Puppet and Foreman on top of Apache/Passenger

  1. Intro
  2. Installing packages
  3. Setting up database
  4. Setting up Puppet and Foreman
  5. Setting up Apache
  6. Setting up Foreman-proxy

First of all, this howto wouldn´t have been possible without junovitch and his thread:
HOWTO: Puppet and Puppet Dashboard on top of Nginx/Passenger
so big kudos for that!

I´ve been wanting to test setting this up for a while to explore the integration of Foreman and oVirt; an open-source alternative to VMWare vSphere that we use in our organization for test and development systems, and wanted to know if Foreman could be a tool to save us some time.

Installing packages
So I don´t know how you want to do, compile from ports or install with pkg, but these are the packages that are needed:
# pkg install -y gcc puppet4 puppetserver rubygem-puppet-lint git ruby22-gems rubygem-rake rubygem-passenger rubygem-bundler mariadb101-server mariadb101-client libxslt node sqlite3 rubygem-foreman foreman-proxy rubygem-hammer_cli_foreman libvirt apache24 npm sudo rubygem-concurrent-ruby

We have our own Poudriere build server so I don´t really remember what options were used, but mostly just the defaults. Only 'gotcha' I can remember is to keep Apache at 2.4 and ruby at 2.2:
DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= apache=2.4 ruby=2.2

Setting up database
# cp /usr/local/share/mysql/my-huge.cnf /var/db/mysql/my.cnf
# patch /var/db/mysql/my.cnf << EOF
< max_allowed_packet = 1M
> # Allow 32MB packet Size for ~17MB size rows Puppet dashboard sends
> max_allowed_packet = 32M
> expire_logs_days = 10
# echo 'mysql_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
# service mysql-server start
# printf "\\nY\\n<mysql_root_password>\\n<mysql_root_password>\\nY\\nY\\nY\\nY\\n" | mysql_secure_installation
# mysql -uroot -p<mysql_root_password> -e "CREATE DATABASE foreman_production CHARACTER SET utf8;"
# mysql -uroot -p<mysql_root_password> -e "CREATE DATABASE foreman_development CHARACTER SET utf8;"
# mysql -uroot -p<mysql_root_password> -e "CREATE DATABASE foreman_test CHARACTER SET utf8;"
# mysql -uroot -p<mysql_root_password> -e "CREATE USER 'foreman'@'foreman.foo.bar' IDENTIFIED BY '<foreman_password>';"
# mysql -uroot -p<mysql_root_password> -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON foreman_production.* TO 'foreman'@'foreman.foo.bar';"
# mysql -uroot -p<mysql_root_password> -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON foreman_development.* TO 'foreman'@'foreman.foo.bar';"
# mysql -uroot -p<mysql_root_password> -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON foreman_test.* TO 'foreman'@'foreman.foo.bar';"
# mysql -uroot -p<mysql_root_password> -e "flush privileges;"
Setting up Puppet and Foreman
# mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/puppet/environments/production/{manifests,modules}
# echo 'Exec { path => "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin" }' >> /usr/local/etc/puppet/environments/production/manifests/site.pp
# touch /usr/local/etc/puppet/autosign.conf
# puppet master --genconfig --confdir=/usr/local/etc/puppet --rundir=/var/run/puppet --vardir=/var/puppet --logdir=/var/log/puppet --codedir=/usr/local/etc/puppet > /usr/local/etc/puppet/puppetmasterd.conf-dist
# cp /usr/local/etc/puppet/puppetmasterd.conf-dist /usr/local/etc/puppet/puppet.conf
# rm -rf /var/puppet/ssl/*
# service puppetmaster onestart
# echo 'puppetserver_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
# patch /usr/local/etc/puppetserver/conf.d/auth.conf << EOF
>             match-request: {
>                 path: "/puppet/v3/resource_type"
>                 type: path
>                 method: [get, post]
>             }
>             allow: "*"
>             sort-order: 500
>             name: "puppetlabs resource type"
>         },
>         {
>             match-request: {
>                 path: "/puppet/v3/environment_classes"
>                 type: path
>                 method: get
>             }
>             allow: "*"
>             sort-order: 500
>             name: "puppetlabs environment classes"
>         },
>         {
>             # Puppet 3 & 4 compatible auth.conf with Puppet Server 2.2+
>             match-request: {
>                 path: "^/puppet/v3/catalog/([^/]+).uuid$"
>                 type: regex
>                 method: [get, post]
>             }
>             allow: "/^$1|.uuid.*/"
>             sort-order: 200
>             name: "my catalog"
>         },
>         {
# sed -i '' 's|#use-legacy-auth-conf: false|use-legacy-auth-conf: false|' /usr/local/etc/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf
# cd /usr/local/share/
# git clone https://github.com/theforeman/foreman.git -b 1.14-stable
# pw groupadd -n foreman -g 800
# pw useradd -n foreman -c "The Foreman" -d /usr/local/share/foreman -u 800 -g foreman -s /usr/sbin/nologin
# cat > /usr/local/share/foreman/config/database.yml << EOF
  adapter: mysql2
  database: foreman_production
  username: foreman
  password: <foreman_password>
  host: foreman.foo.bar
  encoding: utf8
  socket: "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"

  adapter: mysql2
  database: foreman_development
  username: foreman
  password: <foreman_password>
  host: foreman.foo.bar
  encoding: utf8
  socket: "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"

  adapter: mysql2
  database: foreman_test
  username: foreman
  password: <foreman_password>
  host: foreman.foo.bar
  encoding: utf8
  socket: "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"
# chmod 660 /usr/local/share/foreman/config/database.yml
# cp /usr/local/share/foreman/config/settings.yaml.example /usr/local/share/foreman/config/settings.yaml
# sed -i '' -e 's/\/etc\/puppet/\/usr\/local\/etc\/puppet/' -e 's/\/var\/lib\/puppet/\/var\/puppet/' -e "s/'localdomain.net'/'foo.bar'/" -e "s/'localhost.localdomain.net'/'foreman.foo.bar'/" /usr/local/share/foreman/config/settings.yaml
# chmod 660 /usr/local/share/foreman/config/settings.yaml
# cat > /usr/local/share/foreman/config/email.yaml << EOF
# Outgoing email settings

  delivery_method: :smtp
    address: smtp.gmail.com
    port: 587
    domain: foo.bar
    authentication: :login
    user_name: user.name@gmail.com
    password: P4$$w0rd!
# fetch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theforeman/puppet-foreman/master/files/external_node_v2.rb
# sed -i '' 's|/usr/bin/env ruby|/usr/local/bin/ruby|' external_node_v2.rb
# mv external_node_v2.rb /usr/local/etc/puppet/node.rb
# chown puppet:puppet /usr/local/etc/puppet/node.rb
# chmod +x /usr/local/etc/puppet/node.rb
# fetch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theforeman/puppet-foreman/master/files/foreman-report_v2.rb
# mv foreman-report_v2.rb /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.2/puppet/reports/foreman.rb
# cat > /usr/local/etc/puppet/foreman.yaml << EOF
# Update for your Foreman and Puppet master hostname(s)
:url: "https://foreman.foo.bar"
:ssl_ca: "/var/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem"
:ssl_cert: "/var/puppet/ssl/certs/foreman.foo.bar.pem"
:ssl_key: "/var/puppet/ssl/private_keys/foreman.foo.bar.pem"

# Advanced settings
:puppetdir: "/var/puppet"
:puppetuser: "puppet"
:facts: true
:timeout: 10
:threads: null
# sed -i '' -e 's/node_terminus = plain/node_terminus = exec/' -e 's/# external_nodes = none/external_nodes = \/usr\/local\/etc\/puppet\/node.rb/' -e 's/# reports = store/reports=log, foreman/' -e 's#autosign = /usr/local/etc/puppet/autosign.conf#autosign = /usr/local/etc/puppet/autosign.conf {owner = service, group = service, mode = 664 }#' /usr/local/etc/puppet/puppet.conf

This next part is by far the hardest; getting all gems in the bundle installed. Seems like a new issue for every version but something that has always been a problem is therubyracer and libv8. Basically just do gem install -v '' libv8. If that doesn´t work, go here to see what versions there are until you find one that installs and write that down in the below bundler file, along with the dependent version of therubyracer from here. The last version digit of libv8 you use should be an odd number. They are the binary versions. Here´s what worked for 1.14:

# cd /usr/local/share/foreman
# cat > bundler.d/therubyracer.rb << EOF
gem 'therubyracer', '0.12.2', :require => 'v8'
gem 'libv8', ''
# mkdir .bundle
# echo 'BUNDLE_BUILD__RUBY-LIBVIRT: "-v 0.7.0 --with-libvirt-include=/usr/local/include --with-libvirt-lib=/usr/local/lib"' >> .bundle/config
# bundle install --without postgresql --path vendor/bundle
# npm install
# RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate
# RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:seed assets:precompile locale:pack webpack:compile

NOTE: Here you make sure to catch the 'admin' password that gets printed!!!

Setting up Apache
# chown -R puppet:puppet /usr/local/etc/puppet
# service puppetmaster onestop
# service puppetserver onestart
# mkdir -p /etc/pki/foreman/
# openssl genrsa -out /etc/pki/foreman/foreman.foo.bar.key 1024
# openssl req -new -subj "/CN=foreman.foo.bar" -key /etc/pki/foreman/foreman.foo.bar.key -out /etc/pki/foreman/foreman.foo.bar.csr
# openssl x509 -sha256 -req -days 3650 -in /etc/pki/foreman/foreman.foo.bar.csr -CA /var/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem -CAkey /var/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_key.pem -CAcreateserial -out /etc/pki/foreman/foreman.foo.bar.cert
# sed -i '' -e 's|^#LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache24/mod_ssl.so|LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache24/mod_ssl.so|' -e 's|#LoadModule socache_shmcb_module libexec/apache24/mod_socache_shmcb.so|LoadModule socache_shmcb_module libexec/apache24/mod_socache_shmcb.so|' /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf
# cat > /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes/foreman.conf << EOF
LoadModule passenger_module /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2/gems/passenger/buildout/apache2/mod_passenger.so
PassengerRoot /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2/gems/passenger
PassengerRuby /usr/local/bin/ruby

PassengerHighPerformance on
PassengerMaxPoolSize 12
PassengerPoolIdleTime 1500
PassengerStatThrottleRate 120
PassengerEnabled On

SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3
SSLHonorCipherOrder On
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload"
Header always set X-Frame-Options DENY
Header always set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
SSLCompression off
SSLUseStapling on
SSLStaplingCache "shmcb:logs/stapling-cache(150000)"
SSLSessionTickets Off

<VirtualHost *:80>

  ServerName foreman.foo.bar
  ServerAlias foreman
  DocumentRoot /usr/local/share/foreman/public
  PassengerAppRoot /usr/local/share/foreman

  <Directory /usr/local/share/foreman/public>
    Options FollowSymLinks
    DirectoryIndex index.html
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted


Listen 443
<VirtualHost *:443>

  ServerName foreman.foo.bar
  ServerAlias foreman
  DocumentRoot /usr/local/share/foreman/public
  PassengerAppRoot /usr/local/share/foreman

  SSLEngine on

  SSLCertificateFile  /etc/pki/foreman/foreman.foo.bar.cert
  SSLCertificateKeyFile  /etc/pki/foreman/foreman.foo.bar.key
  SSLCACertificateFile  /var/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem
  SSLCARevocationFile  /var/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem

  SSLVerifyClient optional
  SSLVerifyDepth  1
  SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

  <Directory /usr/local/share/foreman/public>
    Options FollowSymLinks
    DirectoryIndex index.html
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

# chown -R foreman:foreman /usr/local/share/foreman
# pw groupmod puppet -M foreman,foreman_proxy
# cat >> /usr/local/etc/sudoers << EOF

foreman_proxy ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/puppet cert *
Defaults:foreman_proxy !requiretty
# echo 'apache24_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
# service apache24 start

A little housekeeping is never a bad thing:
# cat > /usr/local/bin/foreman-rake << EOF

cd /usr/local/share/foreman
su -m foreman -c "bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=production \${RAKE_COMMAND} --trace"
exit \${EXIT}
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/foreman-rake
# cat >> /etc/crontab << EOF

# Clean up the session entries in the database
15  23  *  *  *  root  /usr/local/bin/foreman-rake db:sessions:clear >>/var/log/foreman/cron.log 2>&1

# Send out recurring notifications
0  7  *  *  *  root  /usr/local/bin/foreman-rake reports:daily >>/var/log/foreman/cron.log 2>&1
0  5  *  *  0  root  /usr/local/bin/foreman-rake reports:weekly >>/var/log/foreman/cron.log 2>&1
0  3  1  *  *  root  /usr/local/bin/foreman-rake reports:monthly >>/var/log/foreman/cron.log 2>&1

# Expire old reports
30  6  *  *  *  root  /usr/local/bin/foreman-rake reports:expire days=28 >>/var/log/foreman/cron.log 2>&1
30  7  *  *  *  root  /usr/local/bin/foreman-rake reports:expire days=1 status=0 >>/var/log/foreman/cron.log 2>&1

# Refreshes ldap usergroups. Can be disabled if you're not using LDAP authentication.
*/30  *  *  *  *  root  /usr/local/bin/foreman-rake ldap:refresh_usergroups >>/var/log/foreman/cron.log 2>&1
# mkdir /var/log/foreman
# touch /var/log/foreman/cron.log

Setting up Foreman-proxy
# gem install rgen
# cd /usr/local/etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d
# ln -s ../settings.yml foreman_proxy.yml
# cd ..
# patch settings.yml << EOF
< #:ssl_certificate: ssl/certs/fqdn.pem
< #:ssl_ca_file: ssl/certs/ca.pem
< #:ssl_private_key: ssl/private_keys/fqdn.key
> :ssl_certificate: "/var/puppet/ssl/certs/foreman.foo.bar.pem"
> :ssl_ca_file: "/var/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem"
> :ssl_private_key: "/var/puppet/ssl/private_keys/foreman.foo.bar.pem"
< #:trusted_hosts: []
> :trusted_hosts: [ foreman.foo.bar ]
< #:foreman_url:
> :foreman_url: "https://foreman.foo.bar"
< #:bind_host: '*'
> :bind_host: ''
# patch settings.d/puppet.yml << EOF
< :enabled: false
> :enabled: true
< #:use_provider: puppet_proxy_puppetrun
> :use_provider: puppet_proxy_ssh
< #:puppet_version: 4.1
> :puppet_version: 4.8
# patch settings.d/puppet_proxy_legacy.yml << EOF
< #:puppet_conf: /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
> :puppet_conf: /usr/local/etc/puppet/puppet.conf
< #:puppet_url: https://puppet.example.com:8140
> :puppet_url: https://foreman.foo.bar:8140
< #:puppet_ssl_ca: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
< #:puppet_ssl_cert: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/puppet.example.com.pem
< #:puppet_ssl_key: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/puppet.example.com.pem
> :puppet_ssl_ca: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
> :puppet_ssl_cert: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/foreman.foo.bar.pem
> :puppet_ssl_key: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/foreman.foo.bar.pem
# patch settings.d/puppet_proxy_puppet_api.yml << EOF
< #:puppet_url: https://puppet.example.com:8140
> :puppet_url: https://foreman.foo.bar:8140
< #:puppet_ssl_ca: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
< #:puppet_ssl_cert: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/puppet.example.com.pem
< #:puppet_ssl_key: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/puppet.example.com.pem
> :puppet_ssl_ca: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
> :puppet_ssl_cert: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/foreman.foo.bar.pem
> :puppet_ssl_key: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/foreman.foo.bar.pem
# patch settings.d/puppet_proxy_ssh.yml << EOF
< #:command: puppet agent --onetime --no-usecacheonfailure
> :command: service puppet restart
< #:use_sudo: false
> :use_sudo: false
< #:wait: false
> :wait: false
< #:user: root
< #:keyfile: /etc/foreman-proxy/id_rsa
> :user: root
> :keyfile: /usr/local/etc/foreman-proxy/id_rsa
# ssh-keygen

Type in "/usr/local/etc/foreman-proxy/id_rsa" as path and do not type in any password.

# patch settings.d/puppetca.yml << EOF
< :enabled: false
> :enabled: true
< #:ssldir: /var/puppet/ssl
< #:puppetdir: /usr/local/etc/puppet
< #:puppetca_use_sudo: true
< #:sudo_command: /usr/local/bin/sudo
> :ssldir: /var/puppet/ssl
> :puppetdir: /usr/local/etc/puppet
> :puppetca_use_sudo: true
> :sudo_command: /usr/local/bin/sudo
# cd /var/lib/
# ln -s ../puppet puppet
# echo 'foreman_proxy_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
# service foreman-proxy start

When all is said and done you should have The Foreman web interface available at "https://foreman.foo.bar" where you log in with the 'admin' account and the password you previously saved. You then start by adding the smart proxy which is at "https://foreman.foo.bar:8443" and start pointing some clients towards it.

Last edited:

Here I will show how you can distribute the ssh key to all the clients, so that you´ll be able to restart Puppet from within the Foreman interface:

# mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/puppetssh/manifests
# cat > /usr/local/etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/puppetssh/manifests/init.pp << EOF
# = Class: puppetssh
# This class enables the use of the "Run puppet" in Foreman.
# == Parameters:
# None.
# == Requires:
# Nothing.
# == Sample Usage:
#  class { "puppetssh": }

class puppetssh {

        include puppetssh::config

# cat /usr/local/etc/foreman-proxy/id_rsa.pub
ssh-rsa yadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayada... root@foreman.foo.bar
# cat > /usr/local/etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/puppetssh/manifests/config.pp << EOF
class puppetssh::config {
    file { "root_ssh_directory":
        path => "/root/.ssh",
        ensure => directory,
        owner  => root,
        group  => wheel,
        mode   => '0700',
    file { "root_ssh_authorized_keys":
        path => "/root/.ssh/authorized_keys",
        ensure => file,
        owner  => root,
        group  => wheel,
        mode   => '0600',
        require => File["root_ssh_directory"],
    exec { "enable_puppetssh":
        require => File["root_ssh_authorized_keys"],
        command => "echo \"<the ssh key goes here>\" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys; chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys",
        onlyif => "test \\\$(grep -c \"root@foreman.foo.bar\" /root/.ssh/authorized_keys) -le 0",

Now you just have to import the module into Foreman and make sure to apply it to all clients, then you´re set.

Last edited:
With the impending deprecation of Puppet 3.x, are there any specific changes for Puppet 4? I need to upgrade a Puppet 3.8 environment I've built a few years ago and I'm wondering if there any caveats (besides moving some of Puppet's code around to different directories)?
Honestly, I have no idea! My "plan" is to duck for as long as possible as I´m too scared of breaking stuff. If I keep ignoring it, maybe it´ll just work itself out:)

Seriously though, I plan on applying this to a puppet4 installation just to see how much breakage there is. But a more pressing matter is to change out apache22 with 24 as it´s being pulled completely this July:
- set EXPIRATION_DATE to 2017-07-01 [1]

[1] Upstream propose EoL of apache 2.2.x during the next 12 months
See discussion on dev@apache list.

What the frack, puppet38's already deprecated, I had no idea!

+DEPRECATED= Upstream support ended, see http://tinyurl.com/puppet3eol
+EXPIRATION_DATE= 2017-02-05

Well, guess I´ve got to get going with that then... Darn it...

Strange though that it´s come so soon, seeing as most Linux distros are still packaging it. They´ll have to maintain and patch it for themselves then, I guess.


What the frack, puppet38's already deprecated, I had no idea!
Yeah, it came as a bit of a surprise to me too. I knew it would happen some day, just not this quick.

But a more pressing matter is to change out apache22 with 24 as it´s being pulled completely this July
Yep, got that one on my plate as well. Luckily I've done this a couple of times already. About 99% percent of the time this is a rather quick and painless migration.
Wow, big update! The instructions are now up to date with puppet4, puppetserver (yeah, webrick and rack are getting dropped soon as well) and also apache24. So instead of running the puppet daemon behind apache, it now has it´s own service that runs in java... Now, I have my prejudices against basically anything that runs on java, but so far it´s looking good. Running the daemon with passenger produced errors for puppet38 agents, like "Hey, I can´t do this, I want my old master back! (API something something)", but with the puppetserver service both older puppet v3 and newer puppet v4 agents work without issue. Apache required some fiddling for me, don´t know why but I had to comment out the ssl module e.g. Not sure if that´s supposed to be necessary when it´s option is compiled in, thought the package would handle that. Let´s hope this stays stable for a while now, phew!:)

The instructions are now up to date with puppet4, puppetserver (yeah, webrick and rack are getting dropped soon as well) and also apache24.
Both the rack and webrick still work though. I'm trying these settings to make the rack setup compatible with puppetserver. That way I can switch back and forth. At the moment I can't find a way to enable puppetdb with the puppetserver. It works with the rack setup.

environmentpath = /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/environments
basemodulepath = /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/modules

Running the daemon with passenger produced errors for puppet38 agents, like "Hey, I can´t do this, I want my old master back! (API something something)", but with the puppetserver service both older puppet v3 and newer puppet v4 agents work without issue.
Oh, cool. I only tried the rack setup now and it does exclude puppet 3.x agents. So I was afraid I had to run both but if the puppetserver can handle both client versions that'll be lot easier to migrate.
Oh, cool. I only tried the rack setup now and it does exclude puppet 3.x agents. So I was afraid I had to run both but if the puppetserver can handle both client versions that'll be lot easier to migrate.

Totally! Besides, I figured it has to be done sooner or later, and I already tried later, so I wanted to get ahead of this particular challenge:)

I learned something new today! A while back I wanted to configure Foreman to use LDAPS when authenticating my Active Directory users but couldn´t get it working, just kept saying unable to verify bla bla, even though I added my AD CA to /usr/local/etc/ssl/cert.pem. After searching through Foreman issues (that´s what they call bugs), patching files and doing the git pull request dance, I was pointed by the developers to dig deeper in the code, as it felt more like a underlying ruby problem, rather than with Foreman. They were right!

I wrote a script that prints out ruby´s cert file variable, and it turned out being /usr/local/openssl/cert.pem instead.

require "openssl"
sudo -u foreman ruby /usr/share/foreman/test_ssl.rb

So if you have trouble getting LDAPS working, make sure you are adding your custom CA to the right file:)

In the mean time I have upgraded our Puppet 3.x to Puppet 4.x. This was fairly painless. Few things I needed to fix beforehand.

  • I had a couple of modules with a dash in the name; pkg-clean for example. Puppet 3 accepts this, 4 doesn't. Luckily it was only one or two modules, renamed it to pkg_clean (including all the classes).
  • Several File methods used 0644 (numerical), for example;
    file { 'something':
     mode => 0644,
    This causes errors and should be changed to:
    file {
     mode => "0644",
    I also had "false" instead of false (without quotes)

I was able to fix most of the code before the migration. The migration itself went without a hitch.
I´ve recently learned something new about Foreman that I thought I should share, about how poorly it handles a lot of network interfaces:

General question about RAM usage

If you have servers with lots of network interfaces, you have to make Foreman ignore them or else it will explode! :)
