Problems Installing Java

Hi guys, im new in FreeBSD i think i installed java, but when i type java on the shell it shows me this messge

/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by "java"

Any ideas? i think i installed diablo 6, not sure cuz none of what i tried to do was working, so when it worked i didnt saw what package i insalled, but i guess was diablo...

thanks on advande your comments
gutierrezge said:
Any ideas? i think i installed diablo 6, not sure cuz none of what i tried to do was working, so when it worked i didnt saw what package i insalled, but i guess was diablo...

 % pkg_info -x diablo
will give you information about diablo on your system.
Yep i have installed diablo
this is the package


so any ideas why i got this message?

/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by "java"

what i'm missing?
gutierrezge said:
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by "java"

Try to find the file by one of the following methods:
# locate
This only works if the locate database has been created. If your system is newly installed (less than a week old) you may have to install it. man locate will help. Or, if the locate command doesn't work, you can try find:
# find /usr -name \*
If you find the missing file by any of these methods, you can try to copy or (preferably) softlink it to the same directory were mine is placed:

If the file is not found, we will have to do some more digging.;)
i run locate
and nothing, i updated the database by running locate.updatedb
also i tried the find method and nothing was found.

paulfrottawa, i downloaded diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.
from the page (windows pc=, then i transfer it via FTP (cuz is a server without graphics) to /var/ftp then i run

$pkg_add diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.

then i tried to enter /usr/ports/java/diablo-jdk16 but the folders was not created so i thought that it was already installed, i try to run


and that message appeared.

Do you try update your port tree and try again for deinstall and install java ?
I had this problem before but after update port tree and deinstall and install java this problem solved.
let me try, confirm me this..

$ locate.updatedb
$ make reinstall diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.

is that right?

when i run

make reinstall diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.

into folder /var/ftp it says

make: don't know how to make reinstall. Stop

i try to run pkg_delete and this is what it shown

$ pkg_delete diablo-jdk-

pkg_delete: file '/usr/local/diablo-jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/applet' doesn't exist
pkg_delete: unable to completely remove directory '/usr/local/diablo-jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/applet'
pkg_delete: couldn't entirely delete package (perhaps the packing list is
incorrectly specified?)
this is another wierd stuff

i try to locate the package and this appeared

$locate diablo-jdk-

so i decided to enter the diablo folder and this was shown

[root@gabriel /var/db/pkg]# cd /var/db/pkg/diablo-jdk-
bash: cd: /var/db/pkg/diablo-jdk- No such file or directory
That's not too weird. Locate uses a database that's only regenerated once a week, and you deleted that directory after the last update. It'll catch up sooner or later, or you can run /usr/src/etc/periodic/weekly/310.locate if you want to force it to update now.

As for the pkg_delete warnings, that's nothing to worry about. It's got a list of things to delete, and sometimes that includes things that doesn't exist in your particular case, or things that are for some reason in use at the time. It's not going to cause any problems.
Ok!! more update....

i finally remove the package installation with the pkg_delete i just need to update the locate database again, now i run

pkg_add diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.

then it shown me the licence term and when it finished it said

pkg_add: warning: package 'diablo-jdk-' requires 'javavmwrapper-2.3.2', but 'javavmwrapper-2.3' is installed

i looked for javavmwrapper-2.3 and it is at /var/db/pkg/

so i think that when i installed java this version was also installed, i need to remove it and install the new one, but where i can find the new javavmwrapper ?

Ok guys now i deleted all javavmwrapper and diablo packages and installed first the javavmwrapper, then the diablo, and no warning was shown, so i typed java and it shows the same message :(

$ pkg_delete diablo-jdk-
$ pkg_delete javavmwrapper-2.3.2
$ /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb
$ pkg_add javavmwrapper-2.3.2.tbz
$ pkg_add diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.
$ Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no]
$ yes
$ java
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by "java"

thanks all
# cd /usr/ports/java/diablo-jdk16
# make clean build
# make deinstall reinstall

That's all you should have to do.

Don't use pkg_add, because it's up to you to chose the right package in that case. Are you truly running FreeBSD 6? Because that's the package you have chosen.
i dont have this path

cd /usr/ports/java/diablo-jdk16

that port doesnt exist only diablo-jdk15 thats why i downloaded and installed via pkg_add

recentlry i updated the ports via cvus but i havent check if i have diablo-jdk16, but as far as i know i dont have it.
