problems, how modified a file?

sorry i install freebsd 7.1 and i want to got gnome, once i download gnome the manual told i need modified a /etc/rc.conf file, but i can't, in my screen come a message "permision denied" but i am loged as root. i check the permision an my user are in the group as superuser, please if you cant help me, help me. sorry my english is bad but i am from tijuana mex, i speak only the basics of the english.
Stop yelling.
Caps are yelling, if you didn't know.

make sure you have mounted your /root read-write
to remount it rw (if nessacery), ru
mount -o rw /

then use ed or vi to edit /etc/rc.conf
or type
# echo 'gnome_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

If you your filesyste isn't clean, you may need to boot in single user mode, and run # fsck -y and then type exit

and read the manual:
(you can also find translations to other language)
try to check your kernel security_level, root user also have no enough permision in high securty_level, maybe i guess.