Problem with /tmp/ folder

I have just installed firefox from the ports. When I try to download something I always get this error in Firefox.

/tmp could not be saved, because you cannot change the contents of that folder.
Change the folder properties and try again, or try saving in a different location.

$ ls -lad /tmp/
drwxr-xr-x  8 root  wheel  1024 14 Jun 14:27 /tmp/

What to do? Is this a bug? Should I not have automatically rights for this folder?
The /tmp folder should have the permissions like this:

drwxrwxrwt  8 root  wheel  512 Jun 14 09:55 /tmp/

This will fix it:

# chmod 1777 /tmp
You should figure out what changed the permisions on /tmp, because the settings you had were really likely to break all kinds of stuff.
It looks like that the tutorial fails to mention that /tmp needs special permissions that have to be applied after the partition for /tmp is mounted, it's easy to forget that when you have a separate partition for /tmp, I've done that mistake myself couple of times.
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Keep in mind that /var/tmp/ needs the same kind of permissions.

dice@molly:~> ls -ld /var/tmp/
drwxrwxrwt  6 root  wheel  2560 Jun  5 22:59 /var/tmp/