Problem with NTFS-3G

Hello All

I have installed FreeBSD 8.1 with Windows and so I use one partition with NTFS.
I installed the FUSE NTFS-3G and mount the partition when the system is started.
When I work with NTFS via FUSE I feel some discomfort, such as:
- I can not overwrite the file. When starting to overwrite a file that exists, my system is collapsing!
- Can not open *.odt documents by OpenOffice 3 with a section NTFS. OOo3 informs about Read/Write error and can not create a lock file for the document.

I do not know how to solve these problems ...
Maybe the problem is how I mount the partition?

No, I don't use transparent compression on NTFS.
I mount the partition when the system is started.
This is may /etc/fstab
/dev/ad0s1  /media/Win  ntfs-3g  rw,late  0 0
If I rememebr correctly, 8.1-RELEASE had some bugs that caused kernel crash with FUSE ntfs-3g, which were fixed later in 8-STABLE version.
Have you created a symlink in /usr/sbin as described in
chapter 3. Mounting at startup with /etc/fstab?
Hello EdGe
Yes I read the file, but I did anyway.
Above I have not written a line correctly, sorry.
My correct record is:
/dev/ad0s1  /media/Win  ntfs rw,mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g,locale=ru_RU.UTF-8,late 0 0
But I think this is the same, created symlink or write "mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g" ?

Hello ahavatar
Thanks, Try searching for information.